Going Public- Sam

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Sam isn't out yet so she doesn't like to do the affection thing in school. On the other hand your love language is physical touch.


"Dude get up!" I yell at my brother that's a freshman as I am a senior.

I leave the room as I hear him groan getting out of bed. As our dad is mostly a no show I do most of the stuff around here. And when he is home he's drunk which leaves me to take after him. I put boyfriend jeans on with a black crop top and a flannel. I do my makeup as normal, nothing special. I run downstairs quickly to make breakfast for my brother and I.

I put our pancakes on the table and slip on my converse.

"Y/n! These are basically burnt!" I hear my brother yell as I turned around.

"They're not burnt that much just eat them!" I yell as I run to my room to get the mixtape I made for my girlfriend Sam.

I grab the keys and we get in the car. We arrive at school and get out. I look around for Sam and find her with our group of friends.

"Bye loser." I say ruffling my brother's hair and walk over to Sam.

Her back is turned to me so I sneak my arms around her waist hugging her.

"Not in public y/n!" She whisper yells to me as she gets out of my arms.

Not gonna lie that hurt. Sam is the most beautiful girl here and I'm so lucky to have her. All I wanna do is show her off and let everyone know she's mine. Sam's usually the clingy one when we're alone so when she's like this it hurts.

I scoff, "Kate will hug me." I hug Kate and spin her around as she laughs.

Sam just rolls her eyes, "I have to get to class have fun."

She doesn't get to be jealous, I wouldn't have hugged Kate if she would've hugged me like a girlfriend does. She also knows that I get insecure sometimes so physical touch is a reassurance thing for me. Her love language is touch when we're alone she just sadly doesn't want anyone to know we're together so she basically ignores me at school.

"I'm going to head to class." I say.

"I'm coming with you." Simon says walking beside me.

All throughout class I was rethinking my relationship with Sam. I can't be her dirty little secret anymore or anyone's for that matter.

I'm going to break up with Sam at lunch otherwise I'm going to be hurting myself mentally.

Lunch rolls around and I'm walking to the cafeteria. I spot Sam with the cheerleaders. I walk up to her and tap her shoulder. "Can I talk to you?"

She nods and gives me a confused look. We walk to the bathroom and I make sure no one's in here.

"I can't do this." I say motioning with my hands between us.

Sam just blankly stares at me. "Y/n. What? Why?"

"I'm sorry, but you're ashamed to be with me. Do you know how much that hurts? I'm basically your dirty little secret. I have to watch all these douchebags drool over you but can't do anything about it! I was okay with it for awhile because I understand you aren't out but I just can't do it anymore. I'm done." I say through tears.

"Please. Don't do this. I just need a little more time!" Sam says taking a step forward.

I take a step back before saying, "Sam!  I've waited and waited and waited. I'm sick of waiting! It's hard enough when the girl you're in love with barely acknowledges you at school—"

I get caught off by Sam, "You love me?" She asks in a soft voice.

"Of course I love—"

We get interrupted by some girl opening the door. She realizes we're both staring at her now. "Am I interrupting?"

"No." I stare at Sam with broken eyes. "Here's your stupid mixtape." I say walking out of the bathroom.

I walked all the way to my car crying the whole time. After some time I walked back in to my locker. I only had one more class. I see Sam across the hall. She's walking my way. What do I do? I quickly look away to my locker. What did I even come here for?

Someone turns me around then kisses me. I immediately recognize those lips as Sam's so I kiss back. I then realize she's kissing me... in the hallway... in front of people! I pull back and look at her confusingly as I look around at the  faces of the students at my school.

"I love you." She whispers. "I love you!" She yells loudly. "I'm in love with you! And I'm sorry if I ever made you feel like I was ashamed. I can't lose you. I won't. So I'm right here telling everyone that I'm in love with you. Please, please forgive me. I'm sorry." She finishes as she holds my hands hopefully.

I take her face between my hands and kiss with her as much passion as earlier trying to put my feeling into the kiss. She smiles which breaks our kiss. Our foreheads rest against each other and it feels as if we're the only people in the world. Simon whistling breaks me out of my trance. His whistling makes other people starting clapping. And I thought we had a homophobic school.

"See? There was nothing to worry about babe." I smile as I caressed her cheek.

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