Chapter 25

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Harry's POV:

I woke up with a mild headache, but not pathetically alone this beautiful morning. I felt a familiar warmth that was coming from someone who was closely spooning me from behind.

When I came into my senses and my vision cleared, I sensed that it was zayn, my love, my beloved. His body were still wrapped around mine and our legs are entangled with each other. My heart felt euphoric to get his touch after so long. My lips turned into a curve and a small smile crept up on my face.

So many nights we have spent like this before, right from our college days. He always keeps me safe. He IS my safe place. Those precious memories made me emotional. I suddenly could remember rough images of yesterday night. He still love me, I thought to myself. Tiny bits of hope is still lingering around the surface. I can't lose hope.... No.... Not just yet.

Very carefully and slowly I slided him off of myself, stepped down from bed and left the bedroom in tiptoes. In the living room, I saw a white t-shirt which was lying idly on sofa. I put it on and moved over to kitchen as I was feeling damn hungry. Must be a hangover effect.

When I was almost finished making my perfect pancakes, I heard footsteps coming out of bedroom. He came from behind and asked sleepily 'What are doing?'

'Making pancakes! Are you hungry? Well you have to eat it anyway cause I made it myself!' I explained and flashed him my dimpled smile.

And it worked like a charm, as he gave me a small smile in return and sat at the table situated in the kitchen area. I placed my pancakes on two plates and put plenty of maple syrup on them and served in front of him. He took out a fork from the drawer and took a bite out of a pancake.

I asked eyeing him 'How's it?'

He simply replied 'It's okay!' But his expression was conveying a different story. There was a faint smile on his face. He was drooling over the food and he does it when he loves the food too much. I know his every single details and nuances which maybe he even doesn't know about himself. So I said 'Oh yeah!?'

'Uh.... Huh!'

'I wanna ask you something z!'

'Now I'm scared. What is it?'

'A day... '

'A day?!'

'Yeah.... This day. Like today. Can you give me a whole day of your life z.... Just once! Please?!'

'And what is going on in your cunning brain? Can I know?'

'Nothing! Absolutely nothing! I just miss you sooo much and just want one day to spend with you. Is it too much to ask?' I exclaimed. He stayed silent for a whole minute, but then he said 'Okay! Cool!'

'Okay!? Are you serious?! Like really..... serious?!'

'Yeah you cheeky chappy lad! I'm serious. But you have to promise me something in return.... '

'Anything! Whatever you want.... Is yours!'

'Today.... I'll do anything you like, but tomorrow...... Tomorrow you will go back to LA and move on in your life. If you can promise me that, then I'm ready.'

Listening to his condition, my heart sank. But I focused on present and thought that today I'll have to change his mind somehow, so that tomorrow his conditions will be invalid for us. So I said bravely 'Done. I'll do whatever you say. Tomorrow I'll ask you again if you want me to go back or not and I'll do as you say.'

'Okay then... What's your plan? What do you wanna do now?'

I left my food halfway, stood up from chair. Then brushed his sides while crossing him and went to the living room to take out my car keys out of my pants which was still soggy and lying on the floor. 'Let's have a day out!' I announced dangling the keys in front of him.

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