Chapter 26

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Harry's POV:

I ordered two whiskey neat on the rocks just as he like it and sat on the bar stool. He sat beside me, touching my knee and I noticed many eyes were on him. Like they are staring at him hungrily. To put a hand on him. I licked my lips nervously and grazed my seat more near to his. He looked at me like I'm a lunatic.

The drinks came in front of us shortly. The music was booming at the background. We were moving along with it slightly after three drinks. His inhibitions were shedding slowly, but surely. I could feel it wash away by the way he was watching me now.

But all of a sudden one girl came dancing her way in and started flirting with zayn. She was obviously gorgeous and in a short black dress. She was touching his muscles and laughing at his bad jokes like I didn't exist there. I was becoming jealous and more intoxicated by the minute.

She asked him seductively 'Can I have a dance with you.... handsome?' He looked at me like he was hesitating just because of me. So I responded looking at my glass 'No actually.....'

She didn't wait for me to finish, saying 'Oh! It's just a dance! Come on!!!' She just dragged him to the dance floor. At first I decided not to look at them, but then I couldn't resist and glanced over them. I burned alive to see him dance with someone so intimately. Actually he was grooving to the beat slightly, but the girl was shaking her ass and moving against his body like a snake.

Shape of you by Ed Sheeran was playing now. 'I'm in love with the shape of you, We push and pull like a magnet do, Although my heart is falling too, I'm in love with your body.... '

These lines were playing at the background. The girl was all over him now. She grabbed his hands and put it on her ass. He rested his hands there, but gazed at me. He was moving with her, but his eyes were rested on me. His eyes were making holes in me. So I averted my gaze and looked at the empty glass instead in front of me.

I felt defeated. I felt how the time was slipping through my fingers and I can't do anything about it. I felt like drowning in my choosen poison. But then out of nowhere I felt a hand snaking up against my hips and I froze.

When I turned around, I saw a guy standing beside me, dirty blonde hair, blue eyes, chiseled body, in one word very handsome. He was measuring me up with his eyes. He asked 'Can i sit here?' gesturing to the seat on which zayn was sitting before. I turned to see zayn, but couldn't find him in the crowd. Maybe he's moved on then after all, I thought to myself. I immediately started to envy that girl.

So I shrugged and said 'Yeah! Go ahead!'

He called the bartender and ordered a single Dirty Martini. Then he turned to me and said 'You are gorgeous!'

I said indifferently without looking up from my glass 'Thanks'

But he continued 'So....Are you into boys?'

'Umm... Yeah. Why?'

'Can I buy you a drink?'

I was already intoxicated enough that I didn't think too much into it and agreed with nodding my head. He called out to that bartender 'One jack on the rocks too please!'

After two minutes, the drinks were served before us. He asked while sipping from his glass 'So.... are you from this area? Never saw you here before...'

'Why do you care?' I muttered while sipping neat whiskey and feeling it burning down my throat all the way down. I could sense that the blonde guy's face was too close to me. I froze when he grabbed my neck and breathed down on me. Sniffing me from my neck upto my ears. I felt his tongue made its way licking from behind my ears to my earlobe and then he bit it. He whispered 'I wanna take you home... Baby boy!'

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