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Things have been getting very humanized that the witches aren't really that in touch with their witchy bloodline. So it would be nice to take a trip to where it all began and to discuss all of witch history at its fullest. Long ago, a couple of fairies came into contact with this orb that was left by the Wizard named Atticus, and with that orb created another species of wizards, that call themselves witches, they differ from their male counterparts who were created by nature itself, earth, air, fire, and water. Spirit is left out for non-magical beings like humans. Humans have a natural energy source from within which keeps them alive. So you see humans are low-level witches that have the ability to exist and get their energy from other life forces, living batteries. To this day humans are no longer considered witches and have been cast aside from the witching world, due to their elemental status, because it's not really an element. But simply the by-product of all elements combined.

So to start this off there is a family tree that indicates who gets what from who due to the complicated genetic makeup of organisms. But all creatures are descendants of Sunjay and Morgana. The sun and moon respectively. This mother and father gave birth to Aberdeen who is abiotic and biotic at the same time, but it's mainly to nurse living things that can't fend for themselves. They love all of their children no matter if some didn't come out right in the image that they had for them. By-products are welcome here along with their nurturing mother in father providing humans with food and warmth and shade to rest their eyes. And for both to watch over their fleshy children one at a time.

When the imperfect and perfect come together there's a balance existing in between the seems. But making a species that's just right not to this or not too that in every way. Having a balanced nature, to make an objective species that is to be observed and non-biased with their identity.

But the imperfect world says that it's impossible, but that's part of the more rational society that has been blessed with the ability to reason. How will objective beings pick a side? They can't because they're both, not part of anything really. Irrational is what's close to impossible when you can literally split both parts into two, so they can live separate lives from each other, but not even looking exactly the same due to differing natures. That's how you bring order to the world putting each thing to which it belongs in any way possible. Limitations are part of the more rational mind vs what seems unreal when you can't seem to recognize those limits.

For this reason, humans are unable to see past their own world. While magical beings can see just about anything, visible and invisible things. Humans have a hard time accepting things that they can't see. Magical beings keep themselves in touch with the abstract.

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