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a/n: i am so so so sorry that i haven't updated in a quick second. i've been really busy but hopefully more chapters will be out soon!!

I slide open the door and come face to face with my dad.

"Alex, yoouuu need to commee and say h-hi to my friends!" he manages to spit out. Whenever he gets too drunk to function, his words slur together. And if I'm lucky, he won't get mad enough to hit me.

"Uh, I need to do my homework. Thank you though." I try to shut my door but my dad forces his way through.

"Just coomee say hii" his eyes are all bloodshot and he smells like he slept in a dumpster.

"Sorry dad. Homework" I say one more time before I attempt to push him out the door.

"Alex! What doo youuu think you're doiiing? I am yourrr father. Don't touuch me" he grabs me by the shirt until I can smell the alcohol in his breath "What the fuuck are you weaaringg?"

I look down and wince. What is wrong with me? I'm so stupid. I never took off that stupid jacket. "I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I didn't- I didn't mean to! I'll throw it away!"

"Whhy don't you listeenn to me little bittchh? You're just li-like your mother." His words shoot out like bullets. You're just like your mother. Most girls would love to hear that. I don't. I fucking hate that.

Anger boils in my chest and I hold back my tears. My dad's hand slaps my face, hard. It feels as if I just put my face in fire. But I'm not about to start crying. Not now.

I don't know what got into me, but everything he's ever done to me came swirling back into my mind. Before I even got to think about it, I was punching my dad square in the chest.

Thwack, thwack, thwack, thwack.

I continue punching until I tire myself out. At some point, I pushed him to the ground. But I don't care. I don't. I hate him. He's put me through so much pain and he doesn't even care.

He looks up at me with what looks like regret. I return it with a glare and then look away, disgusted with him.

He sits up just the slightest bit and leans against my wall. "A-A-le-ex" his words slur together worse than ever now "I'm s-ss-or-ry"

My bite my tongue to try and stop myself before I say anything rude and I look down at him. He meets my gaze and gives me a sorrowful look.

"I'm so-ssorryy fo-oor ev-everything" He manages to say. I look away and don't reply. I'm disgusted. I'm disgusted of him. But mainly, I'm disgusted of myself. I'm just like him.

"Just get out of my room. I don't want to see you." I spit out. He tries to get up a few times, each time failing. I decide I should help him, so I take one of his arms and wrap it around my shoulders. I help him wobble out of my room before putting him down in the hallway. I don't care if he can get up or not. I just want him out of my room.

I slam my door in his face. I hear footsteps coming down the hall and I lock my door. I don't want any of my dads alcoholic friends barging in my room. The footsteps edge closer and closer until they stop right by my door. I hear some adult voices as they attempt to stand my dad up. I walk to my bed and fall down onto my comforter. I don't know how much time passes until I hear the front door slam and the house gets quiet.

They're probably taking my dad to a bar or something. I really don't care. Part of me hopes he doesn't come back.

I rub my temples as I realize that I'm starting to get a headache. I sit up and decide to grab a soda from the fridge to calm my nerves.

Lady in Red [Max Mayfield]Where stories live. Discover now