[15] Max's POV

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Oh shit.

"Alex, I've been looking all over for you." The asshole says. He gives Alex a fake smile which would look genuine from the eyes of someone who didn't know who he really was.

It would look genuine to me too, if I didn't see her that day.

That day that I gave her the purple pencil. It feels like it was years ago, but it was more like five days ago.

Flashback to Monday

"Okay, Max. You can do this" I tell myself "It's not weird. Nope, nope. She's just a friend. I want to give her a present. It's okay."

I walk a little further until I reach her driveway. I stop at the end. I can't do this. No, this is wrong. I can't. I almost turn around, but I hear yelling from inside of her house. It sounds like a man yelling. I let my curiosity get the best of me, and sneak to the front of her house. I peak into the window and see Alex, standing across from what seems to be her dad. He's screaming at her.

"Who was that girl you were talking to that lives down the street?" Her dad asks.

She looks scared. Like really scared.

"Uh, that's M-Max. She's just a friend. I met her today." She holds her hands together and sucks in her cheeks.

"Don't lie to me, Alexa!" Her dad yells "I know you've always had those horrible thoughts. I'm not fucking stupid. You always thought sinful thoughts about that red head girl from Derry. Don't act like I don't know"

What red head? Why is he so angry?

"No, I didn't. I promise. I'm not gay. I'll never be." Alex says quietly. Her dad raises his hand and slaps it across her face. Rage fills my chest and I want to run in there and punch him. I want him to feel the pain he just caused her.

"Good. If I find out you're lying, your punishment will be way worse than that. Go to your room. I don't want to see your face." He says.

Alex runs out of the room. What the hell just happened? Does that happen often? I don't even know who that guy is, but I hate him with every bone in my body.

It takes me at least five minutes to calm down so I don't try and kill him.

I take a few deep breaths before walking around the house, and glancing in all of the windows until I find Alex's.

She's laying on her bed and crying. I feel so bad. I don't know how to help her. I clutch the purple pencil tighter before tapping on her window. She doesn't sit up. I tap it again, but a little harder this time.

She sits up and looks around her room until she sees me. Her eyes open wide and she looks worried. She runs over to her window and slides it open.

"Max?" She questions in a panicked tone "Max, what the hell are you doing here?"

"Listen. I'm sorry for just barging in here, but something fell out of your backpack when you left. I decided to bring it back" I try to innocent like I didn't just see what I saw.

"Oh, uh thanks. Did you- did you see anything?" Alex looks around as if she's paranoid

"Oh no! No! Nothing." I lie through my teeth. I know what her dad did to her. He's a vile human. And it's horrible that he makes assumptions about her that aren't even true.

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