[11] Max's POV

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Max's POV

"Hey, guys! Let's play Spin The Bottle!" A drunk Eddie exclaims. I don't think he knows how to be drunk. He seems like one of those kids that's never had a sip of alcohol.

"Jeez, Eds. Are we in seventh grade again?" Richie puts his arm around Eddies shoulders and grins. I like that they act affectionate in public. Knowing that they're gay makes me happy for some reason. It feels like relief, but why would I be relieved? Maybe it's just because they're different than everyone in this shitty town. Maybe I need to know that someone is different.

"Wait, yes. I haven't played in years!" Beverly shouts. She ushers everyone to make the shape of a circle and plops down next to me.

"Bu-But What i-if I have to ki-kiss someone other th-than-" Bill starts before being cut off by Stan's hand slapping his arm.

"Sorry, Bill? Could you repeat that?" Richie says, putting one hand up to his ear.

"Oh fuck o-off" Bill throws up his middle finger and rolls his eyes.

"Alright you guys, let's start" Mike H quiets down the group before spinning the bottle that's laying on Alex's carpet.

It spins for a few seconds before landing on Dustin. He grins "Alright. Who's gonna be the lucky gal or guy to kiss the lips of Dustin Henderson!"

I scoff "Not sure lucky is the term you're looking for, Dustin." Alex giggles a little. She has such a nice laugh. I love it. But not in a weird way!

Dustin spins the bottle and after a few seconds, it lands on Ben. Beverly laughs loudly to the point where she starts to snort.

Ben turns bright red and nervously laughs "Listen. I've never kissed a boy before. Hopefully this isn't..weird."

Dustin just laughs before leaning into the circle. Ben mimics his actions and they give each other a small kiss. Just a peck. But it's pretty fucking funny.

The whole group breaks out into laughter and Ben and Dustin turn red with embarrassment.

"I wonder how Suzie would feel about this?" Mike W questions. With that, Will, Mike W, Lucas and I scream out in laughter recalling Suzie, Dustins "perfect" ex girlfriend, from eighth grade.

"Yeah, wasn't she 'hotter than Pheobe Cates?" Lucas asks. I laugh as my sides start to hurt.

"Oh shut up!" Dustin screeches.

I look over at Alex and her "losers" and they're all staring at us as if we're crazy. "Suzie was Dustin's girlfriend from science camp a couple years back. He made a giant ass walkie talkie to talk to her, and she only answered him one time!"

Lucas and I make eye contact before we both start to remember Dustin and his infamous "Never Ending Story" performance. We have some unspoken agreement to embarrass Dustin with that story whenever we can. We immediately break out into song.

"Turn around, look at what you seeeeee, in her face, the mirror of your dreamsssss" We both start to sing before getting up to dance around.

Will and Mike W start to sing the lyrics in Dustin's face as Dustin rolls his eyes and slaps his hand to his forehead.

"Make believe I'm everywhere, given in the light, written on the pages is, the answer to our never ending storyyyyy" The four of us sing at the top of our lungs.

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