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Crystal P.O.V
"Now then use swift and braixon use emeber!" I called, the two moves collected and broke into dust in the shape of a flower.
"Thats really good Crystal" Jade said walking over.
"But it's best that you start using code words when your performing" Jade added
"Code words?" I asked
"Like this" jade said jumping up onto her Altaria,
"Ok Altaria Dragon dance! And loppuny surround it!" Jade commanded. Purple dust when engulfed by a larged hyper beam before exploding into fireworks.
"Like that. That is code words. It makes the performance look much more professional" Jade said jumping down from her Altaria,
"I see" My Phone began to go off, Diantha was calling,
"Who is it?" Jade asked
"Diantha give me a sec" I turned and answered the phone.
"Hey were are you?"
"I'm at jades why? Is everything ok?"
"Can you come home? I need to talk to you"
I gulped panicked a little
"Am I in trouble?"
"Nope not at all I just need to talk to you"
"Yeah sure ok. I'll be right there" I said and hung up.
"Everything good?" Jade asked
"Believe so. But I need to go later!" I said running off


"I'm back!" I called running inside.
"Diantha?" I asked,
"In the kitchen" she replied.
I took my shoes off and walked to the kitchen, where I saw Diantha sitting at the kitchen table looking at three,white,small boxes. One was closed.
"Whats going on?" I asked
"Come, come look" Diantha replied standing up, I walked over to see to different necklaces, one in each box

One was silver, empty for now I believe, a moon one the side hooked up to the rest of the necklace.

One was silver, empty for now I believe, a moon one the side hooked up to the rest of the necklace

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Ignore the Keystone symbol.

The other was gold, surrounded the emptiness with an old rusted design. The gold looked ancient.

Again ignore the Keystone symbol!"There beautiful!" I said "But what are they for?" I asked"One of them is for this" Diantha said opening up the third box to reveal a pokemon mega stone

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Again ignore the Keystone symbol!
"There beautiful!" I said
"But what are they for?" I asked
"One of them is for this" Diantha said opening up the third box to reveal a pokemon mega stone.
"Half of Ruby's team can mega evolve, two of the three can, but unfortunately she has yet to find a Gardevoirite for her gardevoir" Diantha explained,
"Is that why you where talking to Steven the other day?" I asked
" one more thing," Diantha said walking into the kitchen for a moment before returning her hands behind her back.
"Pick a necklace" She said. I looked at the two boxes back at the third, then back at the second box,
"The second one" I said,
Diantha reveald her right hand, that was holding two small blue books and two sheets of papers, passports and plane tickets.....
'No way
'Are we really?'
Diantha practically read my mind cause she nodded,
"When!?" I asked excited
"A week from today" Diantha said.
I stared jumping up and down excitedly, but stopped. I gotta pack, do I even have a suitcase and all that stuff? How long will we be gone for?
Diantha Chuckled
"Confused about something?" She asked
"Yeah no I gotta pack up," I stated
"Ive got spare luggage for you don't worry" She explained petting my head.
'I'll get to meet Ruby again. And explore the region of Hoenn'

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