Poems and Decisions.

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She was innocent. Some may say, too innocent. But in one's eyes, she could light up a cave of Darkness.

"I do understand what she had claimed."
"And that is was wrong of me to abandon her like that."
"The truth is that. I had seen her. Sitting their alone and cold one day."
"But I just couldn't bring myself to take her back home."

She was kind hearted. A little spark of light that continues to glow like fireworks. Her eyes calm and royal blue as the ocean, royalty to loyalty, she wanted to be something more then just one little girl.

"Please if you could give this to her"
"It was one of my very few pieces when I had started and she had helped me design it. Even though she was four."

Graceful as if a field of Calla lilies held their own in a gentle breeze. Some may say she was born with the gift of elegance others may think she was lonesome for a time, and grew accustom to the way around her.

"Crystal can you come here for a moment please?" Her mother called,
"Coming!" She stood up from her bed as she adjusted her flora dress. Something fresh and light that represents that the spring was nearly ending. A new Kalos queen would be battling among the giant started stage in Gloire city, where the Kalos queen remains. Practicing and dancing to when her Majesty's heart contents to.

"Yes?" The blond asked, her mother turned around and handed her a white gift bag with silver Shing snowflakes and a white ribbon handle tied into a bow.
"This was requested to be given to you. I and the sender do hope it is to your size and that you like it." Diantha spoke. Crystal thanked her mother before sending back upstairs to her room to try on whatever it was that she received. Opening the back she pulled out a white box with a black ribbon ties in a bow at the corner. She not only recognized the packaging but pulling the box out itself had sent a long ways of memories back into her brain. It was as if she got hit by a semi truck and was now watching her life flash before her eyes..
She gently undid the ribbon and set it aside on her bed and opens the box. The first thing catching her mind of attention was a small folded note card resting on the long blue thin sheets of paper guarding the clothing article. She lifted the note card and flipped it open. Skimming over the words,

'an apology? She knew all along I was missing, spotted me and still did nothing?' Crystal thought.

The idea ran in her head before tumbling out of her ear. She tore back the paper. And was met with a Royal blue, Off shoulder dress with white thin straps hanging from the side for the arms to slip through, hanging off the shoulder as if a delicate piece of snow, the waistline snatched in a clean white fabric with a black lining slightly before the top, a blue skirt with gentle sparkles of glitter here or there with a light blue translucent ribbon curled on one sighed. White flat shoes with the same translucent ribbon on the front of the straps that wrapped around the ankles.

Here an Image it is Not mine either

Here an Image it is Not mine either

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Again the image is not mine.

She sighed at the sight of the dress as she held it up. She remembers sitting on her mother's lap as she designed the dress.

"Mamma! Dad said the pizza is here" She banged on the door to her mother's office.
"Er. I'm a bit busy at the moment Crystal, can you just bring me a plate." Her mother asked through the other side of the Door. the girl ran off and set a few slices of pizza on a plate before making her way back to her mother's office.
"Mama! I brought you your pizza!"she chimed.
"Please come in." Natalia sighed as Crystal opens the door and setting the plate on her mother's desk.
"What are you working on?" Crystal asked,
"Oh. Just a new piece of mine. I'm just having a little trouble"
"Can I help?" Crystal asked,
"Oh? Why not. I'm sure the public would like to see how cute and creative you can get" Natalia smiled as Crystal was pulled onto her lap, facing the cork Bored with a piece of paper showing a freshly drawn dress. From their. The young blond picked up the pencil and began adding slim details that pulled the garment together.

Her eyes gently released a few tears as she had thought about the by gone years. Crystal was just barely fourteen years old yet. By July 11 the girl could be celebrating her fourteenth birthday any way she wished. That is if they weren't busy for she had over heard Diantha talking over the phone about doing some work up in the region of Galar  regarding mega evolution. Either way she knew one thing was set and finale.

Her path would soon start once she catches her sixth and finale pokemon to complete her team.

Holy crud man am I falling out of pokemon.

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