Encouragement at its finest! prt 1.

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Crystal P.O.V
"Aww man. Even though we left early. We still just missed it" I whined, a little disappointed. Missing the Themed performance in the Pokèmon showcase can be unnerving. Like face it. Parts of the few reasons that the theme performance is there, is to showcase who gets to move onto the freestyle round!
"Sylve~ on" Sylveon whined as she nuzzled my leg,
'Right then" I mumbled as I scooped her up in my arms and began making my way around Laverre city. A beautiful place If I do say. The master of the the fairy type pokèmon Valerie lives here too, oh the dream it would be if I could meet her. But no! Must find Jade first!
But where is the stadium thats holding the venu? Agh! Great.
I ended up finding myself looking at some dresses on an outside display at a local store. They looked nice, but I couldn't tell if I would wear them very often besides performing, and besides they where more fancy for a queen and not for a performer. Looking at it, it reminded me of something my old mother had designed before.
"If you'd ask me, I'd day you'd look better in something that reflects the sky" A female voice sounded from behind me, turning i was met with the eyes of none other than Amilia's.
"Matching with poetry I see" I soat crossing my arms over, Sylveon crawling up onto my shoulders,
"Oaw. Is it wrong to give advice to an old friend of mine?" Amilia asked,
"Uh. What. What do you want?" I asked
"Mhp. I just so be happend to dosing around town during the interception of the showcase today and uhh. Spotted you. Walking around and mumbleing to yourself. Holding your precious shiny Sylveon close to you" She reached up to pet Sylveon.
Sylveon hissed and cried as she swatted her paw at her hand.
"Ouch! What the hell was that for!!" Amilia asked.
"Maybe if you'd stop bothering her you'd actually get an answer you'd respect. Not force it out of the girls mouth" The familiar voice of jade had sounded.
"Uhhhf! Fine! I'll let you know whatever is going on in your dumb head it will not work!" Amilia turned and stormed off.

Dressed in a black leather jacket with golden zippers and buttons, a white shirt tucked into her black jean shorts with bright yellow thread that coverd the wholes purposely made their for the design. Jade walked over to me with a small smile on her face.
"I'm glad to see your doing okay. Sorry about Amilia....she just barley passed the themed performance this morning." Jade claimed.
"Ah that makes sence." I added.
"C'mon. Let's get to the pokèmon center....I wanna ask you a few things."
"Oh sure!"

"Huh! What do you mean you forgot your routine?!" I asked.
"I didn't forget! I just came into Laverre city without one planned! I know how you are when it comes to spotting things right off the bat!" Jade said as she paced back and forth on the pokèmon center battlefield.
"Okay. Breath. Whoever said i was good with developing a performance rather quickly either? Besides a few open stage performances for a charity raise or something. I've got no experience" I explained softly in hopes to calm her down from the panic attack.
Her breathing pattern steadied and she finally calmed down.
"Good. Let's have a look through some of your music and we'll get started from that point...now which pokèmon did you use while the theme performance?" I asked.
"I had Altaria as my partner. It was a fashion show type deal. We where given three flash cards that showed a picture of one of lady Valeries designs. Then we needed to recreate or make something based off of it" Jade explained.
"Okay so we do know that Altaria won't be debuted in this performance." I state
"Ya" jade sighed. Making me sigh.
"Jade. Performing is about having fun. And- okay. No. Improvising is about putting your movements together smoothly like a wave. Okay. Your performance itself. You display a strong themed. Like your angry and you wanna release your emotions. But your face smiles. You get what I'm saying right?" I explained asked.
"Uhh yeah kinda.....so I need to merely focus on how everything adds up first?"she asked.
"Yes! Yes! That's it!" I called,
"Great then. Okay. We'll start from getting the music ready. We've got......shit." jade mumbled the finale part.
"What is it?" I asked.
"We've got 3 hours till the I need to be back at the stadium" Jade mumbled.
"We'll make it work! C'mon let's get started!" I grasped her hand and pulled her out to the field.

Little did the two know. Amilia was watching and listening from inside the pokèmon center. ....

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