Hoenn Run!

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Crystal P.O.V
"Hmm they should be around here somewhere" Diantha spoke as we walked through the terminal.
We kept walking,
"Thc where are they?" Diantha asked herself.
"Hey Diantha, Crystal!" Ruby's voice sounded, we looked around to see the Red headed, and the champion waving at us, we walked over.
"I was starting to think you guys had forgotten about us" Diantha laughed,
"Well Ruby almost forgot." Steven said
"Hey!" Ruby spat,
"I mean I'm just saying"
Steven bent down to look at me,
"How have you been holding up?" Steven asked,
"Pretty good actually. I've made new friends" I replied, 
"Thats great to hear. I'm glad your doing ok" Ruby clapped her hands together.

"Hey isn't that the champion?"

"Holy cow it is!"

"Lets get closer!"

"And there goes our cover" Diantha faced-palmed.
"Ive got this one. Emerald, protect us!" Ruby said releasing the green Espeon.
'Was that a code word?' I thought
Purple circles closed people off from getting to us.
"Oh great Now what do we do?" I asked
"We split up." Ruby said
"We what now?" I asked,
"As much as I hate to admit it. But It could be our only option Crystal" Diantha said.
"So what do we do then! I go with Steven and you go with Ruby?" I asked,
"Do we have another option?" Ruby asked
"Espe~" Emerald whined, The circles grew smaller.
'Damnit!' I thought
"I'll take Crystal" Steven said
"What?" I asked
"Right then. There is a clearing 5 minutes out from here. Run in opposite directions, then meet at that clearing, Diantha and I will take the left" Ruby explained.
"Your with me Crystal" Steven said, I nodded,
"Remind me to never say anything out loud again." I mumbled,
"Three, two, ONE!" The light screen circles broke. I grabbed onto Stevens hand and started running.

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