Happy Christmas! (Oneshotish maybe? idk)

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Happy Early Christmas people! Hope you guys are surviving during this time, I've found this part deep inside my Google slides the other day. Made some alters and expanded it! Hope all of you enjoy!!

Crystal P.O.V
'Shoot!' And i stumbled down the stairs.
"Sylve!" Sylveon chirped as she jumped beside me
"Yup I'm ok. Just slipped" I laughed as I stood up and grabbed my bag as I ran for the door.
"Going out already? You do realize that everything is gonna be crowded do to the Christmas rush right?" Diantha asked,
"Yup. But let's face it" I sat down and began to put my boots on,
"The only reason there is a rush is because Christmas is in 6 days and now people decide to go shopping because Christmas shopping in November is considered dumb Apperently" I explained,
"Oh and where did you hear that?"
"thats understandable, where you headed?"
"Out to the mall." I stated
"Crystal what di-"
"I'm going to be with Aria ill be fine. And i'll have Sylveon out with me the entire time" I explained.
Diantha smiled before nodding, I put my coat on and then grabbed my purse.
"I'll be back later- oh yeah on more thing" I turned,
"Is there anything you want me to grab for you?" I asked, Diantha smiled but shook her head.
"Nope... have fun. But please be safe" Diantha stated and I nodded and smiled
"Will do so!" I smiled.
"Lets go Sylveon"
"All set and ready to go?" Aria asked as I ran up to the group.
"Heck ya!" I laughed
"Great soo. I'll go with Jade. Miette and Nini and then you and Aria" Shauna explained,
"I mean thats what we agreed apon" Miette stated.
"Ok so then let's go!" Nini said as she ran inside the mall, Miette trailing behind her,
"Meet you guys in the food cort after 3" Shauna said walking inside, Jade followed her,
"We might as well go in to" Aria said walking inside, I quickly picked up Sylveon and followed her.
"Soo any idea on what to get for Diantha?" Aria asked.
"Well you see, I wanna get her something but I don't know what though. " I explained,
"Look here." Aria handed me her phone,
"Diantha told me a few weeks ago that the sequel to the book series, Blood moon, plasma shiner, has been released in the book store here. That's just an idea I've had." Aria explained as she took her phone back.
"I don't think she's even finished Blood moon."
"Well then. There you go. Now then. I'll meet you in the food court at 3" Aria smiled as she walked off. I smiled and walked towards a store as I put Sylveon down.
"Ok girl. According to Aria she'll have another duet performance in March, than she'll be a special gest for the master class in May. Soo id say we find her a costume for her eevee. Although do you remember what eeveelution she said she wanted to evolve her eevee into?"
"I'm pretty sure it was leafeon right?" I asked as I walked into a clothing store, seeing alot of my mothers designs.
'Of course she would be more packed during the holidays" I mumbled,
"Ve~ Sylve" Sylveon whined as she rubbed my leg.
"Its all good. Besides she not with us anymore and she doesn't have to be." I smiled. As I walked down the Isles,
"Ok ok ok. Aha costumes" I mumbled. I grasped my hand along one of the costumes for a eeveelution or an eevee its self. I grasped one of the hangers that held a green Silked collar top, with a blue ribbon with a single green gem in the center, and small green boots with white lace lining. I picked up one of the hangers holding the costume for the pokèmon and held it up to Sylveons neck.
"Is there something you need help with?" A woman's voice sounded, Crystal stood up from Sylveon and looked at the woman, she had a ribombee on her shoulder, wearing a black sweater and leggings.
"Oh yes! My one friend hopes to Evolve her eevee into a leafeon, and I don't know exactly what size to get for her" I explained, the woman smiled. Before bending down to scratch Sylveons ear.
"Leafeon is most commonly asked when it comes to pokèmon costumes. But for measurements" the woman wrapped a measure tape around Sylveons neck,
"You will need a medium, which i believe is righttt- here!" The woman magically pulled out a medium sized costume from the racks before handing it to me.
"Will that be all for today?" The woman asked smiling.
I smiled and nodded,
"Yes thank you" I followed the woman to the cash register, Sylveon by my side. I paid, the costume was put in a perfectly wrapped box before into the bag, I grabbed the bag and left the store, Sylveon trailing behind me.
"Sooo then. We need to head over to the book store and get the books For Diantha" I explained,
"Veon!~" making our way over to book store, I had Noticed a lady with a bold cut blond hair. Sun glasses, and what looked like old wear and tear clothes, just staring straight at me.
"Sylve? On~" Sylveon wrapped on of her ribbon like feelers around my arm, and quickly began trotting infront of me, out of the corner of my eye I had noticed the woman going in the same Direction I was, keeping a good distance between us, but her eyes never leaving Sylveon?
Once I entered the book store I began the search for the finale books of Blood Moon, and then hopefully the first three Books to Plasma Shiner. I walked down the Isle and found the three book set and the finale two books.
"Look at that. Just our luck Sylveon" I smiled as I grabbed the book set and the two other books. Nearly dropped them but Sylveon caught them.
"Thanks Sylveon" I smiled,
"Excuse me" I turned around and noticed the same woman from earlier
"Uh hi? Can I help you?" I asked
"First of all. That is a lovely pokèmon you have there. "
"Oh. Why thank y-"
"Now I had promised my son a shiny pokèmon for Christmas. Soo would it be possible for you to breed that beautiful pokèmon with my own, so then that way the egg would be shiny? I'd give you a quarter of the profit" The woman explained.
"First of all. Absolutely not! Sylveon is my Pokèmon. Secondly I don't even know who you are. Thirdly if you've done your research, a shiny egg is one out of a hundred, so no" I stated and left the isle.
"Hey! Young lady i hope you know who your mother is! And she will be taking my side" I just rolled my eyes in annoyance.
"Hi there" I smiled as I place the books on the counter,
"Oh hello. Did you find everything ok?" The cleark asked
"Yup I sure did" I smiled
"Ok great. Your totals will be. 37:84$ would that be cash or credit?" The woman asked
"Cash please" I smiled, and handed a 50$ Bill.
"Keep the change" I smiled.
"Ok. You have a good one" the cleark smiled as I grabbed the bag and left.
"Hey I'm not done talking to you!!" The woman yelled at me. To which I began sprinting, towards the food cort Sylveon training behind me. Only to feel someone grab me. Expecting the woman who was yelling at me it was.....
"Calem!" I smiled
"Oh? So it was you. Nice to see you again Crystal" He returned his smile,
"Oh uh yeah you had dropped your wallet at the bookstore" He explained, but instead of handing me my wallet he took my hand!?
'Wtf is happening??'
"Just follow my lead ok. I deal with these kind of people sometimes" He whispered. I nodded,
"Thats them officer! The girl who stole my sons pokèmon!" The sams woman came running up to the two of us, pointing at me then Sylveon.
"Thats not true! I was there with her when she caught that pokèmon!" Calem defended.
"Ok ok the both of you calm down" the officer stated.
"Ma'am do you have proof that pokèmon belongs to you?" The officer asked me, calem stepped to the side enough for me to see the officer. I smiled nodded and pulled out the love ball i had received from Diantha,
"Sylveon return!" I said as the red beam consumed her body i turned around and smiled. The lady Clea seemed pissed off.
"S-she stole the pokèball from me!"
"If I recall correctly you said that pokèmon had belong to your son correct?" Calem asked, the officer immediately turned his attention back to the woman.
"If the Sylveon did belong to your son, which she dose not. What where you doing with your child's pokèmon?" Calem asked.
"I uhhhh"
"Ma'am your under arrest for false reporting a crime and child harassment" he put the woman in cuffs, apologized and then left with the woman. I sighed.
"If it weren't for you that could have gone way worse. Thanks alot!" I smiled
"Hey it was the right thing to do" He returned the smile.
"I'm just glad I had noticed. I best be going now. You have a good Christmas there Crystal" he smiled and walked off, I felt a warm sensation in my heart.
"Merry Christmas to you to calem" I smiled.

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