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A few days had passed since Y/N watched the sunset with Red Guy. It was weird. He was really thinking about him a lot throughout those few days, he really want to form a good friendship with Red Guy for some reason.
      It was a whole two weeks after Y/N and Red Guy had met. Y/N was sitting at home and reading a book or something like that when there was a soft knock on the door.
He hopped up from what he was doing and answered the door. He was pleasantly surprised to see that it was Red Guy.

"Oh- uh, hello! Nice to see you again.. Harry."
Y/N said, unsure.
"Hello. I was wondering if you wanted to come over to my house and watch a movie."
Y/N had to use all his self control to not squeal with excitement.
"Oh... of course! When?" Red Guy shifted around uncomfortably.
"Like... right now." He mumbled.

"Oh..! Ok! Sure. Just give me a second to get ready." Y/N then ran and combed his hair, washed his face and put on a sweater before running back outside to meet Red Guy.

Red Guy and Y/N walked next door to the funny house. Y/N kind of expected to go inside, but Red Guy instead led him to the backyard.
In the backyard there was a picnic table seated in front of a large projection screen.

"Go sit." Red Guy said. Y/N sat at the picnic table while Red Guy set up the projector.
"My friends are out watching a movie without me. They only bought two tickets. So I thought we could watch a movie." Red Guy explained.
"Oh... I see." Y/N replied. He was only just now thinking about how he had only really spoken to Duck and Yellow Guy once.
He brushed it off as the movie flickered onto the screen.

Red Guy sat down right next to Y/N. He suppressed a shudder as Red Guy scooted closer to him. His heart began beating erratically fast.
He tried to focus on the movie but he couldn't stop thinking about Red Guy. He could feel every movement he made.
He felt nervous around him.

He brushed off this feeling again and focused his thoughts on the movie.
He somehow kept his focus on the movie until it ended. Then once the credits started rolling, his heart started racing and he got all sweaty and flustered again.

Red Guy got up and turned off the projector. Everything went silent. All Y/N could hear was the sound of his heart racing.
Red Guy sat down next to him. Y/N's face went red as he made eye contact with Red Guy.

He felt like something was going to happen. Red Guy and Y/N stared at each other for just a brief moment before the feeling went away.
Red Guy got up and said, "You should go home now."
"Oh- ok. See ya." Y/N smiled and waved as he headed for the gate.
Red Guy waved back.

[Im not too proud of this chapter to be honest. I feel like more should've happened.

But PLEASE if you have any suggestions for future chapters PLEASE COMMENT !!!]

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