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[hey, uh little disclaimer: they are supposed to be their human versions in this story... so... I mean you can imagine them as their puppet form if you're into that.]

Another note: this part takes place a bit further into their friendship, like.. a few months at the very least.

It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining and it was warm with a nice breeze.
Y/N was just outside to go for a walk in this nice weather, when he saw Red Guy, Duck, and Yellow Guy waving at him from the park that was a short distance away from home.

If you sprinted, you could get to the park in ten seconds.

Y/N waved back to the three with a smile. He was confused as to why they were waving at him, then he saw Yellow Guy waving him over.
Still slightly confused, he walked over to them.

As he got closer to them, he noticed they were setting up a picnic.
Red Guy motioned for him to sit down.
"Come, sit with us!" Duck said.
"Oh, ok. What's all this?" Y/N asked.
"We were about to have a picnic, but wouldn't it be nice if you joined us.?" Duck said happily.

"Oh, well thank you for inviting me to join you!" Y/N said as he sat down with the others.
Duck opened the picnic basket to reveal some sandwiches cut into triangles with the crusts cut off.

Upon getting one, Y/N saw that it was a turkey and cheese sandwich, coincidentally his favorite. The four of them enjoyed the picnic until about sundown.
They decided to wrap things up and go home, but as they were about to leave, Red Guy approached Y/N and invited him to go on a walk with him.
He took him up on his offer.

They decided to walk down to the lake, and then walk back afterwards.

As they started walking, it began to get dark really fast. Y/N guessed they had just lost track of time. But since it was dark, and they hadn't anticipated it, they were having a hard time seeing where they were going.
There were no streetlights, so the only light they had was the moonlight.

Y/N tried to watch where he was going, but inevitably, he tripped over something and bumped into Red Guy as he fell.
He immediately straightened up and apologized. "Oh- uh sorry. I tripped on something, sorry-" Red Guy sort of cut him off.
"No no, it's fine. I-it's fine." There was a long pause where neither of them walked or said anything.

Red Guy broke the silence.
"H-hey, um maybe we should go h-home. It's pretty dark now. I would f-feel bad if you tripped again."
Y/N nodded. "Yeah. We should go home."
And so the both of them walked home.

As they were standing outside their houses, they kind of just stared at each other for a moment.

Without any warning, Red Guy leaned in and kissed him.
   Y/N was shocked at first. The kiss only lasted for a moment, but it was a very satisfying moment.

Red Guy was the one who pulled away.
"I-I'm sorry." He mumbled. He turned away and went inside his house before Y/N could say anything.

[Ack I'm not satisfied with this chapter AT ALL. I hate how it turned out.


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