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[A/N] Also, the stories are usually about a week apart from each other. Keep that in mind.

It was a really boring day. Y/N was just sitting at home, quite literally doing nothing.
He eventually decided that just moping around wasn't a good way to spend his time.

He also was really wanting to see Red Guy again.
So he decided the best place was the arcade. The only arcade in their general area was outside of Clayhill.

So he went on his way next door to the funny house.
He knocked on the door.
Red Guy was the one who answered. Y/N swallowed hard then began talking.
"Hey, uh, I was wondering if you wanted to.. go to the arcade with me..? Maybe play some games?"

Red Guy shifted around for a moment before answering. "Oh, uh, sure. Yes. I'd love to."
Y/N nodded and smiled. "Great! I'll just go wait while you get ready."

Red Guy went inside and shut the door. A few minutes later the door opened again and he stepped out.
And so they began walking to the arcade.

The conversation on the way there wasn't out of the ordinary.
Just discussing the weather, the local drama, stuff like that. Nothing special.

They finally arrived at the arcade. Red Guy seemed a little hesitant before stepping inside.
He was so tall he had to duck a little under the doorway.

They got their tokens and went off playing games.
Throughout the time they were there, they didn't separate from each other much. They just played games that were close to each other, as well as two player games.

One of the games was a fishing game. And Y/N was getting immensely frustrated that he couldn't catch the lobster at the bottom.
"This thing has to be rigged. There's no way anyone could do that!"
Red Guy stepped up behind him. "C-could I try?"
Y/N nodded. "Sure. Knock yourself out."

He stepped up and caught the lobster on his third try. Y/N was shocked.
As the tickets came spilling out of the machine, Red Guy ripped them off and handed them to Y/N.

"What.. why are you handing me the tickets?"
"W-well, I got it for you." Red Guy mumbled.
"Oh! Thank you! That's really nice." Y/N smiled and gently took the tickets from his hand.
"Thank you." He said again.

Once they had blown all their tokens, they decided they would buy some prizes then go home.
Red Guy was able to get a handful of lollipops and two plastic geckos.
Y/N was able to get a bubble blower and some gum.

They would most likely never use these things ever, but it was fun to be able to get them.

While they were standing outside their houses, about to head inside, they said their goodbyes.
"Thank you. F-for uh, taking me to the arcade." Red Guy said.
"Of course. Thank you for coming with me. I had a lot of fun." Y/N replied.

There were a few seconds of silence, then Red Guy hesitated before leaning in and hugging Y/N.
Red Guy hugged him.
He was so tall that Y/N's face just got buried in his chest, but he hugged back.

They separated then walked into their respective houses.
Y/N was still going a little crazy over the fact that Red Guy hugged him, but he took a deep breath and calmed down.
He really did have a fun time.

[please I'm begging you PLEASE give me IDEASSS!]

Also, yes. Red Guy has a bit of a stutter. Get over it.

DHMIS Red Guy x (male) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now