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     It was a shockingly cold day, and Y/N was still craving more from last time. But he somehow managed to get himself to calm down and be patient. More would come with time. In the mean time, he needed to walk home from work in the cold.

     Light, clear, snowflakes fell from the sky, but didn't stick to the ground. It just caused lots of cold, uncomfortable wetness on Y/N's clothes.
    Once he finally arrived at his house, he thrusted a gloved hand into his coat pocket to fish out his keys.

     Startled by the sudden noise, Y/N jumped and let out a brief yelp of surprise. And he dropped his keys.

"Oh. I'm sorry I didn't mean to-" Red Guy began. Y/N stooped down to grab his keys. "No! You're fine! What were you saying?" He smiled nervously, casually shoving his hands into his pockets.

"Well, since it's such a cold day, I thought we could go ice skating." Red Guy offered. "If you want to, I mean." Y/N barely even had to think about it. He was free for the rest of the day, what did he have to lose?
"Of course! Now?" He asked excitedly.

"Um, if that's ok with you..?" His voiced tapered a bit at the end of his sentence.
"Let's go! Like, now! No time to lose..!" Y/N followed Red Guy as they both briskly walked to his car. Y/N sat in the passenger seat and Red Guy took the driver's seat.
Y/N fidgeted nervously beside Red Guy, his gaze flitting back and forth from the window to Red Guy's face. They chatted softly to each other on the way to the outdoor ice skating rink, not having the courage to look each other in the eyes.
They arrived at the ice skating rink, which was in the middle of a park and was outside, which meant there were trees around them and the sunny skies above them. It was cold, but there was no breeze and no clouds; it was perfectly sunny.
"The weather is nice, huh?" Y/N couldn't resist. Red Guy seemed to be startled. He hesitated.
"Oh—Um, yes. I agree." He nodded and got their ice skates from the person behind the counter. They sat next to each other on the bench as they put on their skates.
"Are you ready?" Red Guy asked once they had laced up their skates. Y/N nodded eagerly and got to his feet. Once inside the ice rink, Y/N took the opportunity to show off a little.
He did a spin, his arms extending out by his sides, he glided across the ice and pulled his arms back in as he finished the spin. Red Guy stood a few feet back, staring. Y/N laughed nervously, his face tingling.
"I—uh—learned that... when I took ice skating lessons as a kid."
Red Guy said nothing, he only skated smoothly over to Y/N with an expressionless look on his face. Y/N flattened his arms awkwardly by his sides, embarrassed. As he did this, his balance must've been thrown off, and his feet began to slide out from underneath him. His entire body started to fall backwards towards the floor, when Red Guy suddenly latched onto Y/N by his torso, catching him just in time.
     Y/N stared up at Red Guy, his eyes were wide. Y/N tried to form words, but he only opened his mouth and closed it again stupidly. Red Guy stared back at him, still with a stoic expression on his face.
Gently, he removed his arms from where they were wrapped around Y/N's waist. Y/N had regained his balance by then, and the two of them stared dumbly at each other, each of them trying to comprehend what had happened.
Finally, Red Guy muttered;
"Are you alright?" He asked softly.
Y/N breathlessly smiled at him, not even needing to say the words 'thank you' to him. Red Guy simply nodded, and they continued skating without further mention of what had happened.

Y/N lie awake in bed later that night. He couldn't stop thinking about what had happened. He knew he liked Red Guy: that much was obvious, but was he in love with him? He felt his stomach do somersaults every time he even looked at Red Guy.
He remembered what had happened that one time at the house when Duck and Doi were gone. I he remembered the warmth of Red Guy; the sound of his breath so close to him.
He shook the thought out of his head and rolled over. He closed his eyes and fell asleep.


Anyway, does anyone have any suggestions?

Hope you loved it!]

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