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[a/n] ALSO ! This is somewhat satirical, so you'll be able to tell when I'm being satire about what I'm writing ! Don't take this too seriously, it's just for fun !

Y/N was going for a walk a little ways away from Clayhill. This was only a few days after he and his new neighbors met. They hadn't seen each other since that first impression.
Y/N was reading a book while on his walk. He was so absorbed in the story, it took him by surprise when he suddenly bumped into someone.
He stepped back slightly and looked up at the person he had bumped into. It was Red Guy.
He had a book in his hands. They had both been reading a book while they walked, hence why they bumped into each other.
"Oh- I'm sorry!" Y/N stammered.
"It's fine... Y/N..? It was Y/N, right?"
"Yeah, Y/N." He said, followed by an awkward silence.
"You know, I wanted to give this back to you." Red Guy extended out his hand with a book in it. "You uh- dropped it the other day. I hadn't had a chance to give it back."
Y/N recognized the book and took it.
"Oh yeah, thank you. I thought it had been missing." Y/N put the book in his bag and began walking again.
"Yeah. You dropped it when you uh, ran away." He continued, walking beside Y/N.
"Yeah... sorry for leaving you hanging like that. I feel like we got off on the wrong foot."
"No, my friends were smothering you. I'm sorry about them. They get excited easily."
Y/N chuckled a bit and shook his head.
"Yeah, I can agree with that." They kept walking in silence, but it wasn't awkward. It was peaceful.
"Oh, look at that sunset." Red Guy said as he pointed at the deep citrus and rose colored sky.
     "Oh.. yeah. Very pretty." Y/N responded.
Red Guy looked like he was going to say something, but he stayed quiet.
       Both of them stood there beside each other and watched as the sun lowered down past the horizon.
Once it was finally dark, Red Guy broke the silence.
"Well, I'm going home now. Nice seeing you,
"Nice to see you too... Harry." Y/N cast a brief glance at Red Guy's face before rushing in the other direction.
He glanced back and saw Red Guy walking away. Y/N felt his heart skip a beat for some reason. He brushed off the feeling and walked home.


DHMIS Red Guy x (male) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now