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[A/N] I'm probably going to abandon this fic soon. I'm getting REALLY sloppy with my writing and I'm also running out of ideas.
   If you enjoyed this fic AT ALL, please give me ideas so I can keep writing. It can be anything.

And eek he's a human in this chapter, imagine him however you like.

Also this is a sexual chapter eek

It was a very rainy night. Y/N was going to stay the night at Red Guy's house. He didn't know why Red Guy had invited him over, or why he was so nervous when he asked, but he was excited nonetheless.
When he arrived, it was already starting to rain pretty hard, but he didn't get very wet at all. Red Guy let Y/N inside and had him set his stuff down in the living room.

Once they had gotten everything set up, it was settled that they would each sleep on a couch in the living room. There were two couches.
Red Guy sat down on Y/N's couch and turned on a movie. They watched through the entire movie and had a great time.

Soon it began to get later, and they were going to settle in for the night. It was just then when Y/N noticed that he hadn't seen Yellow Guy or Duck.
As if reading his mind, Red Guy spoke up. "H-hey, uh, you know, Robin and Doi are both gone, I-it's just me and you.."

Red Guy lifted his face and made direct eye contact with Y/N. Y/N blushed as he felt the hairs on his neck stand up.
"O-ok." He said. Red Guy got up and turned off all the lights while Y/N was still sitting on the couch.

When he has turned off all the lights, he went and sat down next to Y/N. The only sounds between them were the rain and their breathing.
Red Guy suddenly leaned in and pulled Y/N into a kiss. Y/N blushed heavily and kissed back. Red Guy put his hands on Y/N's wrists and pinned him down onto the couch.

Y/N immediately got hard, and with his hands pinned down, there was no way for him to hide it. And Red Guy immediately noticed.
"You like this?" He asked. Y/N softly moaned and nodded, begging for more.

Red Guy lowered himself down a bit and began grinding on Y/N's boner. Y/N gripped at the fabric on the couch as he moaned in pleasure.
       In between breaths, he mumbled "Are you enjoying this? Does that feel good?"
    Y/N looked up at him. He blushed heavily at the sight of him grinding on his dick.
      "Y-yes.. please keep g.. going.." Y/N moaned in pleasure.

     Red Guy stopped grinding on Y/N and began kissing him. On his neck, on his shoulders, just giving him so many hickeys.
     Y/N slightly panicked at the thought of being covered in hickeys, but was quickly pulled away from his thoughts when Red Guy started grinding on him again.

As he started grinding, Y/N's dick immediately went rock hard again.
Red Guy moaned softly in pleasure. "F-fuck.." He blushed deeply and he started grinding harder.

     Y/N's face felt so hot. He tried lifting a hand to wipe the sweat away, but he was still pinned down.
     As he watched Red Guy continue grinding on his dick, he heard something. The sound finally registered in his head as a door opening.

Red Guy must've heard it too, because he immediately backed off of Y/N and hopped onto the other couch and pretended to be asleep.
    Y/N just pulled the blanket up over his boner and pretended to be asleep as well.

They both heard the sounds of two people walking into the house. Y/N immediately recognized it as Duck and Yellow Guy's footsteps.
     His heart began racing as he heard them walk into the living room.

But all he heard was them walking into the room, and then walking away, not suspecting a thing. He didn't know why they had come home early.
     After that, they both just fell asleep on their respective couches.

I'm sorry you had to witness that.

DHMIS Red Guy x (male) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now