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       ALSO!! This isn't going to be one big, consistent story ! It's going to be a bunch of little stories ! So there will be some gaps in the "plot" !

Y/N lived in Clayhill. A small town. He had just moved in next to the funny house the previous day. He hadn't met his neighbors yet.
      The morning after he moved in, he decided to try and introduce himself to his new neighbors. He mentally prepared himself for a moment before reaching out to knock on the door.

Right as Y/N was about to knock, the door suddenly opened in front of him. He stepped back and looked up at who opened the door.
     He was red all over with a long, shaggy mop of red hair.

Y/N stepped back in surprise. He waited for the red guy to say something.

He didn't.

The silence lasted for a few moments before Y/N decided to speak up.
     "Uh, hello. I just moved in next door. Just wanted to say hi, and introduce myself."
      No response.
"Um... my name's Y/N...?" He extended an unsure hand out in the direction of the tall red figure.
     "I'm Harry." He didn't shake Y/N's hand and he also spoke in a very monotone voice. Y/N's heart was pounding in his chest.

Y/N awkwardly put his hand back down by his side. Luckily the awkward silence was broken when two smaller figures appeared behind Red Guy.
     A small green duck and a little yellow boy. (Jeez that sounds wrong)

The two others pushed past Red Guy and began spewing comments at Y/N.
     The duck was the first one to speak. "Who are you? Are you our new neighbor?" Then the yellow guy.
"Who are you?"
"You know, I've been wanting to meet you, I'm Duck!"
"I'm Doi!" Y/N slowly stepped back from all the commotion. Red Guy stepped forward and slightly pushed the other two back.

He spoke in a low voice to them. "No guys be quiet." He stepped a little closer. "Sorry. Maybe you should come back later. It was nice to meet you."
    His voice softened slightly on the last sentence.
Y/N felt his face get hot as he turned away.

"Nice m-meeting you too!" He called back to them as he ran back to his house.
    He looked back for just a second to them waving back to him.

DHMIS Red Guy x (male) ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now