Part 15

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🅵🅻🅸🅲🅺🅴🆁🅼🅰🅽  scoots closer to Aries while the male raises his eyebrow at his action. The small smirk as he laid back against his chair lazily silently intimidated the host and a few of the audience, "Do you have a weapon of choice, Aries?" Aries genuinely pondered for a second, it's a question he rather the host ask than anything else like the first, his eyes went to the screen that was explicating his mini aggression with Cato.

Reaching his finger out and pointing to it, "I like swords"

"Any special reason?"

Aires put on a smirk and decided on scaring the poor man more than the image he had already put on, leaning closer to Flickerman and holding eyes, "I believe you should be close enough to look somebody in the eyes when you kill them. Distance is for cowards."

Flickerman openly gulps loudly, showing his terrified state but laughs it out to the masses, "Perhaps I'll just scoot my chair a few inches farther away from you!" Big laughter and applause came from the crowds. Aries didn't react to it, his eye was scheming backstage for Estella, and Flickerman caught this once more.

"Do you have a girlfriend back home?" The question was out of the blue, it caused Aries to raise a brow at Flickerman. "Do I? I don't."

The crowds let out voices of someone who doesn't believe him, he didn't bother as he grins at Flickerman who had the same doubtful look. "A handsome lad like you? There must be some special girl. Come on, what's her name?" Aries sighs as recalls memories, charming audiences from every age and gender. "I had a childhood friend then something unfortunate happened to her. The worst nightmare made her brain refuse to remember the past... Including me."

The crowd murmurs sympathetically, Aries is vocalizing honestly, with no aura that would show he was lying as he stares at his thighs. Flickerman exhaled, scanning him carefully, "What about Miss Perez? You two have considerably a close relationship."

The screen now reveals the pair's first appearance, how friendly they are, to the training where you can see it's Aries who would come and start something between them first. He smirked having a fluttering sensation seeing Estella, "There's no one I rather be with than with her to win this game."

The audience went into a squealing fit, Aries's words were simple and common but they were laced with a heartfelt meaning behind them. Meanings that almost seemed like something was going on between them and by Aries's look, he wasn't denying anyone's claim. Flickerman had to come down the crowd that was demanding more stories between Aries and Estella but he had to play by the rules, "Wouldn't you just love to pull her back up here and get a response?!"

The crowd roars and hands are thrown to show their wants. "Sadly, rules are rules, and her time is up. But best of luck to you, Aries White and I think I speak for all of Panem when I say our hearts go with yours." Aries nods, not wasting time on heading backstage where he is greeted by Poppy, Iphigenia, and Dennis.

Aries froze meeting eyes with his male mentor, hesitated then chose to ignore the man and went to the cheering ladies instead. "That was great, Aries!" / "Nice confession I must say." Aries frowned at Poppy's declarations but didn't converse anything about it, scanning her eyes around for her comrade.

Dennis noticed this, and spoke up, "She went to the toilet with a few prep teams." The tension grew haphazardly between them, Iphigenia and Poppy had to take a step back as the two males somewhat glared at each other.

Aries walks away to the screen, putting his focus there instead as he waits for Estella. Iphigenia has to pull Dennis away, opening a pep talk with the mentor. Poppy went to search for her friends and other designers, it wasn't her business to be nosing in on the drama happening.

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From 10 minutes till 20 minutes, Estella had still to appear, Aries even had to entertain himself with the play Peeta had started up at the live show, primarily when he could sense Katniss's fume from a mile away.

"Aries?" his head snaps from Peeta's speech at his name suddenly being used. Beside him, see Estella possessing a confused face towards Katniss's heated state ready to blow at any time. He carefully scans the girl from the head down, gratified when he sees no vileness being done on the girl, "Where have you been?"

Estella moves her focus now on Aries, those eyes that have the power to bewitch his attention easily, "I talked with Rue. She's really cute... What's happening right here?" He is glad that she didn't watch his interview but still feels disappointed in it, leaning to the girl's ear and whispering about the current happening.

Just when Aries finishes his storytelling as a third person to the tension happening, they catch Katniss taking big heavy steps like a bulldozer aimed towards Peeta who is marching himself down to them. Thinking fleetly at what was going to occur, Aries planned on appreciating the scene with his own eyes but Estella had pushed him to back up Peeta promptly.


Katniss puts both palms into Peeta's chest, knocking him backward. He would almost be knocked over by a plant and cut his palm if it weren't for Aries stopping the action by positioning his hand out behind Peeta, effortlessly.

"What was that for?" Peeta protests before slightly nodding his head at Aries to express his gratefulness. Feeling offended by Katniss's actions. Aries had to hold back his sarcastic comment with Estella's firm eyes on him. "You had no right to do that!"

Estella estimates instantaneously, reaches out, and has a firm grip on Katniss's arm, it surprised the 'Girl On Fire' at the strength lurking in the smaller girl but said nothing as her anger is still out for Peeta. Effie and Haymitch rush over, alarmed. A little late as the pair of District 5 are already keeping an eye on them.

"What happened?! Oh! Hello, dears," Haymitch's voice rages before turning to a fatherly tone at the scene where Estella is enduring an inflamed Katniss, Aries standing bored next to a slightly messy stated Peeta. His voice went soft to greet Estella and Aries who simply gave him a nod in return. "Nothing. I fell."

Effie had gone to inspect Peeta's situation while Haymitch stood in the middle of his tributes and District Five tributes. "Did you put him up to this?" Effie and Haymitch started understanding what was happening thanks to Katniss spitting her word rather rudely to her mentor. Haymitch didn't respond.

Since it was Aries who did, with a scoff, "Even if it was a play being set up behind your back. You owe Peeta thanks. You're the one crossing the line here." He rolls his eyes, moving to pull Estella away from Katniss who is now glaring at him. Estella whispered things to him that no one caught.

"What the hell does that mean?"

Estella keeps him back this time. Aries cool down by covering his face on her exposed shoulder, she then gives Effie and Peeta an apology look for getting involved before answering Katniss, "What he mean is that. Thanks to Peeta the people have reason to look at you, Katniss."


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