Crushed dreams

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Hi y'all! this is my first fan fiction so I hope you like it. This chapters cover is made by: ItzSarah

Trigger warning: su1cid3

Izuku Midoriya, a quirkless 10 year old boy with greenish hair, is standing on a roof. In front of him is his idol; All Might.

"Can a quirkless person become a hero?" That question has been bothering the freckled boy for a long time. He is finally getting the answer. FROM THE NUMBER 1 HERO ALL MIGHT HIMSELF!

"No" that simple two lettered word crushed Izuku's dreams. "It is way too dangerous! A quirkless person wouldn't even be able to protect themselves, let alone others!"

With that All Might, AKA Ass Might, left.

Izuku fell onto his knees, his eyes in total shock. He always dreamed about becoming a hero, like All Might. The boy has been bullied a lot for that dream.

'You're too weak!'

'Keep dreaming, stupid Deku!'

'Why don't you take a swan dive off the roof, maybe you'll get a quirk in your next life!'

Maybe Kacchan is right, it's not like anyone is going to miss me anyway 

When Izuku found out he was quirkless, his dad left him, and his mother has became much more colder towards the boy.

Izuku Midoriya stepped towards the edge of the roof, he felt the wind rushing through his hair. The boy took a deep breath and closed his eyes. He spread his arms, ready to let himself fall off.

"It's not worth it, trust me" a voice behind Izuku. He turned around to see a man in a black cloth looking at him.

"Who are you?"

"The name is Akemi, I'm a vigilante"

"Whats a vigilante?" Izuku is a very smart boy, but he has never heard of a vigilante before.

The man smiled softly.

"It's someone who saves people, just like heroes. The difference between heroes and vigilantes is that heroes get money and fame for what they do, vigilantes don't. We save people because that's the right thing to do"

Izuku relaxes a little, curious to learn more about vigilantes. The vigilante, Akemi, steps slightly closer towards the green haired boy.

"Another difference is that vigilantes don't have a license, which makes their work..."

"....Illegal" Izuku thought about that. "So vigilantes are basically illegal heroes?"

"Yup!" Akemi smiled softly again. "Now why don't you come here, so I can tell you more about vigilantes"


"Why not?"

"Because it doesn't matter anyway. I am quirkless!"

Izuku started tearing up a bit. He expected the man to turn around and walk away.

But he didn't.


Izuku was surprised. "What? You aren't going to tell me I am too weak and worthless? Aren't you gonna give up on me?"

"No! Why would I do that?!"

Now Izuku was absolutely flabbergasted. "B-because I-I'm... I'm quirkless?"

"I don't care if you're quirkless. Now come off that edge so we can talk properly!"

Izuku gaped at the vigilante for a few seconds.

"No, it's too late for me"

Izuku smiled softly.

"It was nice meeting you, Akemi. I guess this is goodbye" 

Izuku let himself fall backwards, off the roof. The wind aggressively rushing through the boys hair.

"NO!" Akemi's voice. Izuku closed his eyes. It felt like everything went in slowmotion.

Goodbye world


Everything went black 

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