It's ya birthday

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This chapters cover is made by:

4 years later

Izuku is now 14.

Shit shit shit! I thought I was going to go on a nice and peaceful patrol, but now I'm being chased by 3 pro heroes! Eraserhead, Hawks and Endeavor were chasing Izuku. Hawks and Endeavor aren't going to be a problem, they can't even touch the vigilante. He's a ghost after all. But Eraserhead however, if the homeless looking man activated his quirk on Izuku, he'll get yeeted right back into his grave where he belongs.

'Why is that?' you ask? Eraserheads quirk is called Erasure. That means that he can temporarily erase other people's powers simply by looking at them.

Izuku ran into an alleyway. Its a dead end.

Oh wait, why am I running? I'm a ghost, lmfao I forgot. Chile- anyways so...

"There is no where you can go now! Give up!"

The vigilante chuckled as he turned towards the heroes.

"Pfft, did you really think it was going to be this easy to capture me?"

Izuku floated backwards, straight into the wall.

"Yurei out!"

When the greenette entered his cabin, he was greeted by a confetti canon exploding in his face.

"Happy birthday Izu-kun!"


Oh shit- it's my birthday

"You forgot about your birthday again, didn't you?"

Oh my gawd, Hagaruke can read minds?!

"No I can not read your mind, you fucking dumbass"

Hagaruke chuckled at Izuku's shocked face.

"Wha- how did you know- HUH?!"

"I've known you for years now, you're so damn predictable!"

"What the what?! I am not that predictable!"

Hagaruke just looked at him, unbothered.

"Okay, predict this!"

Izuku ran towards the cake and threw it in Hagaruke's face.

"How predictable was that, huh?"

"Predictable enough for me to bring an extra cake" Hagaruke said as she showed him a new cake.

"I love you Hagaruke-san" Izuku said as they began eating the cake.

"Eyo, it is just a cake, no need to get all flirty"

"I AM NOT BEING FLIRTY! I ment it in a friendly way!" Izuku sputtered as he turned all red.

"Now you look like a tomato, maybe that should be your vigilante name; Tomato Ghost"

"Fuck you"

"Love you too, Izu-san"

The next day, Izuku was on patrol again when he heard a scream. A drunk man trying to hook up with a young lady, ew nasty. Izuku ran towards the man and kicked him right in his stomach. He received a hard smack on his mask. This fight didn't go on for long, the man was to drunk to even see where he hit. When the man was down Izuku turned to check on the young girl. Just when he wanted to ask the girl if she was alright he heard footsteps behind him.

"Nice to see you here again, Yurei"

Hawks, great. Izuku rolled his eyes as he turned around.

"Heya Hawks" he now noticed that his voice didn't sound as deep as it should. Hawks also noticed and was shocked by how childish the vigilantes voice was.

"Fuck my voice changer gave up" Izuku thought out loud.

"Wait, you're a kid?" Hawks asked in disbelief.

"Depends, what do you understand under the word 'kid'?"

"Huh? Well uh... someone who is under the age of 18"

"Then yea sure, I'm a kid"

"How old are you?"

"Ha! Nice try Hawks, but I'm gonna go now. Yurei out!"

Izuku waved just before making himself invisible again. He floated away towards the next roof and decided to take a break on there. They found out I'm a child, well shit.

Tsukauchi is a detective who has been working on Yurei's case. He has been trying to figure out the vigilantes identity for 4 years now. They don't even know his hair and eye color since he always wears his mask and hoodie. Neither do they know his quirk, age or real name. Actually they know pretty much nothing about the certain vigilante.

Tsukauchi was staring at papers that should be the vigilantes files, but the only thing filled in was the name 'Yurei'. He was about to give up when he got a call from Hawks.

"Hi Hawks"

"Tsukauchi! You won't believe what I discovered!"


"I already called Aizawa, he is on his way to the police station now. I'll tell you when I get there!"

"Then what's the point in calling me if you're not going to tell me over the phone anyway?"

Hawks can be so annoying sometimes.

"It's about the vigilante, Yurei! Hold on, I'm almost at the station"

Hawks hung up.

Eraserhead was the first to arrive at the station. Hawks came in later.

"I was sleeping, what is so important to wake me up?" Aizawa was obviously irritated, but he always was so that's nothing new.

"I figured out the vigilantes age!"


"Well- not exactly... but I know that he is under the age of 18"


"So you, Hawks, mean to tell me that the vigilante that I've chased for 4 years now, is a CHILD?!"


"How do you know?"

"Well I saw him just after he kicked some drunk mans ass. His voice changer probably broke during the fight because when he spoke to me he had a child voice. So I asked if he was a child and he said yes!"

"Why would he tell you that?"

"Well he obviously had not much of a choice since I already heard his voice, and no way I was going to believe him if he said he was some 40 year old man."

"A child shouldn't be out there doing such dangerous work"

"Aww Aizawa, you do care about him don't you?"

"What?! No!"

"No need to be ashamed, dadzawa"


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