New Friends

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"I'm bored"

Izuku was hanging on the couch, staring at the ceiling.

"Then go do something"

Hagaruke was sitting on a chair infront of the couch. She was playing a game on her phone.

"Like what, smartass?"

"I don't know! Vigilante stuff, go on patrol or something"

"Are you crazy?! Its noon!"

"Go get friends!"

"You are my friend!"

"You can't have only one friend, Izu. Do you wanna die alone or something?"

"I'm already dead, dumbass"

"Oop-" Hagaruke bursts out laughing and a few moments later Izuku joins too.

Are we crazy for laughing about death? Yea probably.

"No but seriously, you should get some new friends"

"How? How could I possibly get other friends?! Do I just have to bump into someone and say 'hiya! I am Izuku Midoriya, also known as the vigilante Yurei. Everyone thinks I'm dead and technically I am dead. The police, a detective and about 4 pro heroes are after me since my vigilante job is illegal as fuck. Lets be friends!'?!"

"Hm... no I don't think that would work"


Hagaruke sighed.

"Just introduce yourself as Izuku and pretend like you're alive"

"What if they touch me and their hand goes right through me?!"

"Just say that is your quirk or something!"

Izuku mentally facepalmed himself. This is a terrible idea.

"Alright, now where do I find these future friends?"

"People your age are normally hanging in either a park or a mall, just go there and see if you spot a cute one"

"Aw man, I have too much social anxiety for this! Can you come with me?"

"Nah dude, I have school tomorrow"

"What does that have to do with anything?!"

"It means that I go to school, that means that I have other friends. I'm going to hang with some girls from UA"


"Jirou and Mina, now don't get all jealous with them"

Izuku gasped dramatically

"I would never get jealous at your 'friends'" he said with puppy eyes

"Oh fuck off, get your lonely ass off the couch and find friends"

"If you say so, miss socializer"

Izuku stood up and walked out of the cabin.

The greenette was now standing in the park, looking for friends. Its so weird, standing here so everyone can see me. I'm almost always invisible when I'm outside, except if I'm doing my vigilante work ofcourse. Wait- what if I bump into someone who knows me... what if I bump into Kacchan?! Oh no- no no no this is a bad idea.

Izuku was starting to panic when he felt someone standing right behind him.

"Excuse m-"

Izuku turned around and kicked the guy in his nuts as reflex. The guys hand shot towards his balls when he fell onto the ground.

"Oh my god! I'm so so so so so sorry"

He now noticed that there were two people, the one he just kicked in his nuts had red spiky hair and red eyes. The other one, who is now sitting next to the red haired guy, has blond hair, parted to the right with a black lightning-shaped streak on the left of his head.

"Kirishima are you okay?!" the blonde asked.

No, he is obviously not okay, you dumbass

"Yea yea, I'm fine"

The red haired guy, who's name is apparently Kirishima, pushed himself up. He turned to face Izuku.

Oh mama-

"What was that just now?"

"I'm so sorry! It was a reflex"

The blonde has also stood up now.

"A reflex?! Kicking someone in his nuts is a reflex?!"

"Yea- uh- I take self-defense lessons" Izuku lied.

A silence fell, the two strangers were now just staring at Izuku.

Damn, this silence is painful. Someone has to break it.

"I'm so sorry, are you okay?"

"Hey, its okay dude! I'm Eijiro Kirishima"

"I'm Denki Kaminari"

"Nice to meet you, my name is Izuku"

"Manly! Well Izuku, we came up to you because we saw you looking around. It seemed like you were about to have a panic attack, we wanted to check if you were okay"

"I'm fine, thanks. I'm just not that much of a socializer. My friend told me I should make other some friends, that's why I'm here. But- you know, so much people, it's quite overwhelming"

"We can be your friends!"

"Yea dude, let's be friends"

"Woah- uh... yea okay!"

This is going easier than I thought it would.

The boys hung out in the park for a while, just chatting. It was starting to get late so they exchanged numbers and said goodbye.

Groupchat- Da Boys 🥶🥶💯💯

members: Eijiro Kirishima, Denki Kaminari, Izuku

Kaminari: Yo guys!

Kirishima: why is our chats name 'Da Boys 🥶🥶💯💯'?

Izuku: Thats a name for a group of f-boys

Kaminari: that's cuz we are f-boys!

Kirishima: what 😃? Did I miss a few chapters here?

Izuku: I'm literally gay, Denki

Kirishima: no- yeah same

Kaminari: What 😃⁉️

Kirishima: you can't tell me that you're straight, Denki

Kaminari: aw man you got me, I'm bi

Izuku changed the groups name to 'Fruity mfs 🍎💦🏳️‍🌈'

Izuku changed Izuku's name to 'Mr dead man💀'

Izuku changed Eijiro Kirishima's name to 'Hard Boi🪨'

Hard Boi🪨: what the-

Izuku changed Denki Kaminari's name to 'Pickachu⚡️'

Pickachu⚡️: Yo that's cute!

Hard Boi🪨: why is Izuku's name Mr dead man?

Mr dead man💀: maybe one day I'll tell you, but for now I would love to see you try to find out!

Pickachu⚡️: aw man, why do you have to be so mysterious? We don't even know your full name

Hard Boi🪨: yea dude, what's your full name?

Mr dead man💀: cmon guys, we just met today. I can't go off and tell you all my secrets

Pickachu⚡️: uh- why is your full name a secret?

Mr dead man💀 went offline

Hard Boi🪨: what the- 😃

Pickachu⚡️: Kirishima, did we just become friends with a criminal?

Hard Boi🪨: what?! No he would never- yea probably 😬

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