The Reveal

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The next day, Izuku woke up at 10 am. Aizawa and Yamada had already gone off to work. The greenette stood up quickly, he overslept. Today was an important day, today he was going to reveal his identity. He is going to reveal his identity infront of Kacchan, Kirishima, Kaminari, the rest of 1-A, Erasurehead and a few other nosy heroes.

And he is going to see Hagaruke again! He hadn't seen the invisible girl since Aizawa and Yamada adopted him. Or he haven't seen her at all, because... well you know- she's invisible.

Izuku arrived at UA's fake city, he was a little late because breaking into UA's property is not always that easy.

The class was already there, so were Nezu, Midnight, Erasurehead, Hawks and Present Mic.

The vigilante casually walks into the city, everyone's eyes were on him in no time. Hmmm... attention~ I love it

"Isn't that the infamous vigilante Yurei?! What is he doing here?!"

Some of the students get in a fighting pose.

"Aw man, I always get the same welcome. Can't you give me a more pleasant welcome? Now it feels like I'm the criminal here"

"Wha- but you are a criminal right?"

Izuku just waved away this comment with his hand.

"Hm~ technically yes, but I did save more people than those fake heroes of yours did"

"Yurei. Don't lecture my students about how bad heroes are, you'll only make them lose hope in society"

Izuku shrugs.

"Why can't they just know the truth?"

"Cmon you're not here to give a sermon. Let's get to that game of yours"

"Alright kids"

The vigilante clapped his hands as he turned towards the class.

"I'm here because of a game I decided to play. I made an agreement with Erasurehead, Hawks, Midnight and Present Mic that if they win three games from me, I'll reveal my identity. They have successfully won the first two games! But for the last game I'll be battling you guys. So if I'm revealing my identity or not is now in your hands"

"Absolutely no pressure at all"

"Why would you want to battle us? Of all classes, why us?"

"You seemed interesting. And there is another reason but you'll find that one out later. Chile anyways so- let's get to the rules. Honestly there aren't much rules, it's just a battle. All of you- against me! The game is over when either someone gave up or if I or you guys are not able to fight any further"

The class exchanged confused and nervous looks. This may seem weird, but it'll all make sense as soon as I've lost.

"Ready or not- let's begin!"

Nobody moved.

"Cmon guys, you have to take me down. Come at me! Come on don't be scared"

Now Bakugou got pissed. Ofcourse Kacchan got pissed, he is always pissed. The spiky blonde ran towards the vigilante while shooting explosions out of his hands. Bakugou threw in a fist with explosions, but Yurei dodged it easily.

Now the others began to move too, some of them were still confused and scared while others were excited. And there were people like Todoroki, who couldn't give a fuck.

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