The Second Game

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"So for the second game... we're going to play tag!"

Izuku clapped his hands excitedly. Hawks and Present Mic just laughed as Erasurehead groans.

"You still act like a kid sometimes"

"We thought you were like- 16 or something. Now you're acting like a 6 year old"

Izuku gasped dramatically.

"That hurts my feelings, Hawks"

Midnight, Present Mic and Hawks laughed at Izuku's childishness.

"Don't be fools, guys. Don't you get it? A game of tag, how are we supposed to play that? We can't even touch him!"

"As sharp as always, Erasurehead. But don't worry, you'll be in a great advantage. I won't be using my quirk for the whole game. Its like playing a game of tag with a quirkless kid, like old times" he whispered the last part so nobody could hear it.

The heroes their faces brightened.

"You're not going to use your quirk?! At all?"


"This is going to be child's play!"

Izuku grinned under his masks. Are you sure about that, heroes?

The vigilante walked to the edge of the roof, he looked down to see how high up they were. A normal person wouldn't survive this fall, glad I'm not normal. He turned around towards the heroes.

"I believe you're all familiar with the rules so... Let the second game begin!"

Izuku let himself fall backwards from the building.

Hawks sets off and flew after the boy, but as soon as he reaches the edge of the building the vigilante is already gone. The winged man turned his head to look at the other heroes behind him, but they were already off to find the vigilante.

Present Mic quickly ran down the stairs, hoping the vigilante would go for lower-ground. The loud hero isn't quite the fan of roofs. As Present Mic ran down the stairs he heard a noise coming from a window. Yurei was about to climb through the window when he saw the blonde hero. The vigilante gave him a polite smile, made a two-finger salute as he jumped out of the window again. This kid-

Hawks had spotted the vigilante running through an alleyway, and he was now chasing the boy. Izuku made a few turns, attempting to get rid of the hero who was currently chasing him. It would be so much easier if he could just use his quirk, but he promised not to use it.

The vigilante decided to run towards the nearest forest, Hawks would have trouble seeing the boy through the trees. On his way to the forest he saw Erasurehead on a roof. Dammit he spotted me. The underground hero and Hawks are now both chasing Izuku.

Izuku ran into the forest and took cover under the trees. The boy looked up to the sky and saw no sign of the winged hero. Erasurehead however was still chasing the boy, the pro hero was getting dangerously close. Yes, I'm going to let them win but not this quickly! We only just started.

He made a quick turn, Erasurehead couldn't see him for a second, this was his chance. The boy immediately climbed up a tree and sat down on the lowest stable branch. Aizawa didn't see him up in the tree, the man was confused at Yurei's sudden disappearance.

Erasurehead grabbed his phone out of his pocket and quickly contacted the other heroes. Yurei was still in the forest, he was sure of it. It was impossible for the vigilante to get out of such a big forest this quickly.

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