A New Dream

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This chapters cover is made by: Aii_ko

"I gotta go now, it's getting late. Let's play tomorrow again? Just message me about the time, you got my number!" Hagakure said as she walked away.

Izuku was sitting on a beach, he moves his toes through the sand as he waves Hagaruke goodbye. He had been training with Hagakure all day again.

Izuku had decided to keep the fact that he is sort of alive a secret, that was necessary if he wanted to become a vigilante. 

The greenette turned himself invisible again. It would be bad if someone, who knew him when he was still alive, saw him. He pushes himself up and starts heading home. Home? Yea home. Izuku has been living in an abandoned cabin in the woods next to the city.

A 10 year old all on his own living in the woods? Isn't that dangerous?! Oh no, the young boy manages himself perfectly fine. He usually borrows some food from nearby shops. He won't starve, thats for sure. He also got some nice furniture and clothing from a big mall. Hagaruke told him how the disappearing products have been all over the news.

When Izuku got home he put on his self-made vigilante outfit. It was a dark green hoodie with black pants and a belt. He had a bunny mask which covered basically his whole face except his eyes. In the mask he had installed a uh- borrowed voice changer, that way the heroes won't discover that he is still a child.

Izuku decided that his vigilante name was going to be Yurei. Its Japanese for ghost.

Izuku- no, Yurei was ready. Ready for his first patrol as vigilante.

11 PM, Izuku was floating over the roofs when he heard a high-pitched scream. A girl around his age, surrounded by three thugs. Only three? Well this is gonna be easy. Izuku made himself invisible and floated towards the thugs. He hardend his fist and hit one of the thugs right in his nose.

"What the hell?!"

The boy hardend his foot and kicked the thug in his nuts, one down. The fight between the thugs and the new vigilante only lasted a few seconds, Izuku took the thugs down easily.

"Who is there?! S-show yourself!"

Oh right, I'm still invisible.

Izuku turned himself visible again which made the girl flinch.

"Hey it's okay, I'm not going to hurt you"

The girl relaxed a bit, she had brown hair and eyes.

"What is your name, sir?"

"The name is Yurei, I'm a new vigilante here. Nice to meet you-"

"Oh- right! I'm Ochaco Uraraka, thank you so much for saving me, mr Yurei!"

"My pleasure, Uraraka. Now, do you have a phone with you?"

"Yes" Uraraka pulled her phone out of her pocket.

"Great! Can you call the police and tell them there is a new vigilante in the city?"

The brunette nodded.

"Thank you, Yurei out!" He turned himself invisible and floated away.

Well that went smooth.

A few days later

It's 9 am, Izuku came back from patrol a few hours ago and is now lying on an old couch. He hears a knock on the door of his cabin, as soon as he opens the door Hagaruke storms inside. What is she so excited about?


"Hey Hagakure-chan"

"You've heard about the new vigilante Yurei right?"

Oh shit

"Yea? What about him?"

"You're him, right?" Suddenly a grin appears on Hagaruke's invisible face.

Well this is disappointing

"Aw man! How did you know?!"

"I got my ways" Hagaruke try's to act casual, but fails horribly. Izuku bursts out laughing.

"You 'got your ways'?! Pfft!"


After laughing for a while Izuku turns serious again.

"No but seriously, how did you find out?"

"The name, I mean- Yurei! Pfft! Only a idiot like you could come up with a name that literally means ghost. I thought a vigilante didn't want people to find out that type of stuff"

"Come on! No one is going to take the name that serious"

"We'll see, Izu-kun"

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