'Am I... dead?'

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This chapters cover is made by: https://youtu.be/YLnko14TF9o

A light...

Izuku opened his eyes.

What happened....? Am I dead?

Izuku pushed himself up. The boy looked around, with narrowed eyes since his eyes have yet to get used to the light.

He is sitting in front of the building that he just jumped off. As he stood up he noticed something below him. 

His own body in a pile of blood. What the...

He looked in the window behind him, expecting to see his own reflection. But no. The only reflection he saw was the body on the ground.

Am I... am I a ghost?

Suddenly he heard a scream. The ghost Izuku turned around to see a woman looking horrified at his body. A few seconds later there was a whole group standing around the body.

Izuku couldn't take it anymore, he ran. With no idea where he was going, he just ran. Or more like... float. 

He stopped in a alleyway. He fell onto his knees, crying.

"Who is there?"

Izuku looked up to see something or someone walking towards him. Floating clothing stepped out of the shadows. No, those clothing aren't just floating. There is someone in them. They probably have a invisibility quirk.

"Hello?" The invisible person said.

"C-can you hear me?"

The invisible person got startled.

"Yes, I can hear you. Now where are you and who are you?"

"I-I... I'm right behind you"

The invisible person turned around. Their eyes scanning the place now in front of them.

"I can't see you, do you have a invisibility quirk just like me?"

"I-I don't know..." Izuku started sobbing again.

"Hey it's alright, what is your name?"

"I'm... Izuku Midoriya"

"Nice to meet you Izuku! I'm Toru Hagaruke"

It stayed silent for a second.

"What is your quirk?"

"I... I don't know. I was supposed to be quirkless. But I think my quirk only started working after I..." Izuku took a deep breath "after I jumped off a building"

Hagaruke froze for a second.

"Then... then how are you alive right now?"

"I don't think I am alive"

"So... You're like a ghost? Is that your quirk?" Hagaruke asked in disbelief "that is so cool! What can you do with that quirk? Can you make yourself visible?"

"I... don't know. I can try?"

Izuku closed his invisible eyes and focused. He visions himself as visible. He opens his eyes and looks at his hands. His hands and the rest of his body were still slightly transparent.

"It worked! I am visible!"

Hagaruke looked at him a bit uncomfortable.


She pulled her phone out of her pocket, she took a picture of him and then showed it to him. The picture showed him sitting on the floor, but there was something off. There was something missing; his head.


Hagaruke chuckled.

"What are you laughing at?"

"You said 'All Might' instead of 'god', are you a fan of him or something?"

"Yea- I mean no- I mean... I was, until..." Izuku turned his invisible head away, he clearly was not ready to talk about what happened earlier that day.

"Hey, Its alright. You don't have to tell me, let's just try to find how to make your head visible." 

The rest of the day Izuku and Hagaruke kept trying to figure out how Izuku's quirk works. After a while Izuku was able to make himself fully visible, not even slightly transparent. They discovered that he could go through walls, actually everything could go through the boy. He couldn't even hold anything, unless he really focused on his hands. If he focused hard enough the greenette could make himself not go-through, sort of human. He trained all day, but in the end he always stayed a go-through useless ghost.

No, I'm not useless. I am going to save people, not for fame or money, I'm going to save them because it's the right thing to do. I'm going to become a vigilante, just like Akemi! 

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