'Kacchan Can Cry?!'

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This chapters cover is made by: Its_Larvana

Izuku was sitting on a roof. He was looking out over the city, but there was no sign of danger. He heard silent footsteps behind him.

"Heya Eraserhead, I wouldn't do that if I were you"

"Do what?"

"Don't activate your quirk on me, unless you want me to die"

Aizawa froze

"What? My quirk is Erasure, that won't kill you"

"Oh yes sir it will, let's just say my quirk is the only thing that keeps me sort of alive"

Izuku patted the place beside him, signifying Eraserhead to come and sit next to him. Eraserhead sat down next to the boy and looked at him.

"What is your quirk?"

The vigilante chuckled.

"Nice try, Aizawa"

Aizawa looked away from the boy, a little disappointed.

"You know that being a vigilante is dangerous, especially for a child"

"Oh, so the chicken nugget has told you already about me being a child? Guess I don't need this voice changer anymore then" Izuku said as he turned off his voice changer.

"Why did you become a vigilante? Why not become a hero?"

It stayed silent for a moment.

"I want to save people because it's the right thing to do, not for money or fame. Heroes only save people if there is something in it for them. When I needed saving a hero left, the one who tried to save me was a vigilante"

"Why did you say 'tried'? Didn't they succeed?"

"Maybe you'll figure that story out one day"

Aizawa sighed.

"Chile anyways so- I'm gonna go now"

Izuku stood up and walked towards the edge of the roof. He turned around, facing Aizawa.

"Yurei out"

The vigilante let himself fall off the building. He became invisible and floated away just before he could hit the ground.

Aizawa rushed towards the edge, as he looked down the vigilante already disappeared.

"Tsk, problem child"

When the vigilante was on his way home, he walked by a graveyard. In that graveyard his body was buried. Normally he always avoided the graveyard, it brought back too many memories and it was painful to see that nobody visited his grave. But this time there was someone at his grave, a boy his age with blonde spiky hair. The greenette recognized the boy, kacchan. Kacchan is his childhood bestfriend, he used to bully Izuku for being quirkless.

Izuku was curious, what is Kacchan doing at my grave? The invisible boy walked towards the boy standing at his grave. He now noticed that Kacchan was crying his eyes out. Wait he is- crying? Can Kacchan cry?!

"I'm sorry, you damn nerd! I-it's all my fault, i told you to j-jump off- I didn't mean it!"

It's alright Kacchan, I am happy now, because of you.

"I got in UA, isn't that amazing? It's not like I'm going to be able to make friends anyway, you're the only friend I've ever had"

He got in UA?! I knew he could do it!

"I miss you, Deku"

"I miss you too, Kacchan"

Bakugou flinched and turned towards the voice. Oh shit, I said that out loud

"Deku?! Oi! Are you here, shitty nerd?!"

"Eh- no" Izuku quickly ran away, leaving Bakugou looking confused around.

When Izuku arrived at his cabin he noticed that he had 10 missed calls from Hagaruke. Oh shit. He called Hagaruke back as fast as he could.

"Yo Hagaruke, you good?"

"FINALLY! Why didn't you pick up?! I called you like 20 times"

"I was on patrol, and actually you called me 10 times, not 20"

"Yea yea no one cares. Anyways, I got my letter from UA!"

"Did you get in?!"


"YES GIRL! I knew you could do it! And guess who I saw when I was on my way home?"



"Isn't that the angry Pomeranian who always bullied you?"

"Yea, but he changed. I saw him crying over my grave saying that he was sorry and stuff. So cute. And he also told my dead ass that he got in UA, maybe he is in the same class as you!"

"I swear- if that little piece of dog shit is in my class- I will personally beat the fuck out of him"

"Eh- do I have a chance in stopping you?"


"Yea... alright, see ya tomorrow?"


"Bye Hagaruke-chan"

"Later Izu-kun" 

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