𝟓 - 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧

13 1 10

goodmorning everyone im tired as shit bc i thought staying up till 3 am was a smart decision i was supposed to update yesterday but i forgot ;-;
enjoy the chapter!

Saturday, the day of heaven, is the only day in the entire week I have completely free and all to myself. I sleep in most of the time, but today I chose to wake up before noon so that I could go out and do something for the day. I grab a bowl of cereal, the last of it actually, I make a mental note to go to the store later today. I start making a checklist of things I'm low on or completely out of, so I don't forget on my trip. I turn on the TV as background noise as I make my list. The voice of the reporter from two weeks ago came on.

" [Breaking News]: Earlier this morning, the Police Department found nine bodies laid across the main road leading to the RCA campus. They seemed to be spelling the word help and a smiley face. This was less than five miles from the college campus that the murder of late Professor Grant occurred. Police have reported that the campus was and still is scheduled to reopen Monday. The bodies of victims appear to be tampered with; it is unclear as of now whether the victims died prior to the mutilation or if they died as a result of the trauma their bodies received. Eight out of nine bodies have been identified; A Mr. Kenneth Laslow and what seems to be his mistress, Ms. Kayla Wentworth with their hearts carved out while holding hands to write out the letter 'H'. Two college students who attended RCA before their untimely deaths, Mr. James and Kennedy, are missing their hands and spells the 'E' and 'L'. A couple, whose friends report were very recently engaged, spell the 'P' with their eyes missing. Two high school students, in their junior year, best friends as commonly reported, curled side by side without their eyes to make up the eyes of the smiley. Finally an unidentified older gentleman, maybe late thirties, who had been dismembered and staged as the smile. The Police Department believes there might be a serial killer on the loose, although this killer doesn't seem to have an apparent rhyme or reason to their killings. They also believe that these recent attacks, although seeming random, may be connected to late Professor Grant's homicide. We advise all residents to stay alert of their surroundings. This has been Nancy Reidcliffe; RNS News."

I looked at the screen in disbelief and suddenly disgust, the pictures of the victims were displayed on the TV and...I recognized every single one of them.

The snobby couple, the lovesick ones, the college kids, those girls they were all at the restaurant, and then the rude man from last night. I had been annoyed at all of them and at one point I'd wished bad on them but the worst was a stubbed toe not this, never this, I felt sick I had wished misfortune on them I was responsible for their deaths.

'No Mya. You are not at fault for their deaths', I thought to relieve this guilt, swallowing the upcoming bile in my throat. It must be a coincidence, yes that's all it was..a coincidence. I didn't know these people's private lives, they could all be mixed in something shady, I couldn't assume anything.

The entire rest of the day and the end of the week I was on edge and paranoid. I finished my grocery shopping looking behind me every other second as if the killer would jump out and murder me in bright daylight and the next day I went to work even though I was apprehensive, I didn't want to be fired.

I saw Kohl, as usual, and he gave me a ride like he did two nights ago. When Monday came I slept in, on account of the late classes I had that day. I was proud of past Mya to have the foresight to give me extra time on Mondays. I got ready slowly then took the bus to the campus, the ride was longer because the buses had to adjust routes because of the bloodbath that was the main road. I got to class with less than two minutes left. In my rush to the door, I bumped into someone and my first thought was an exasperated 'Again?!'

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