𝟕 - 𝐖𝐡𝐚𝐭 𝐚𝐫𝐞 𝐅𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐅𝐨𝐫?

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The first week back was kind of stressful, to say the least, the only bright spot was Kohl. Between the increasingly difficult workload as professors try to catch up to the original schedule, and work being just as annoying and emotionally taxing, there were more frequent deaths in the town. They've seemed to steer clear of my place but they were still very close to the school.

The stress piled on and on until I snapped...but it was on the wrong person.

"Can you STOP tapping on the steering wheel like that, it's not a goddamn drum, and you're sure as hell, not a drummer! So quit!"

He instantly stilled and quietly pulled over on the road, not once looking at me. His mouth was set in a hard line, I knew he was not happy.

"Kohl I-" I set out to apologize but he cut me off with his hand, tossing it between us like a barrier.

I flinch at the abrupt gesture, a little scared that he might hit me. He turned to me, his face a mask, not letting a single emotion pass through.

"Now," he said, his monotone voice cutting the dangerous silence that had enveloped us, "what's wrong Mya 'cause even I know you wouldn't snap at someone like that unless there was a bigger issue."

I shivered at the sound of his voice, I had never heard it so empty before, it scared me.

"I-I'm sorry its-"

"No!" he said, raising his emotionless voice a little bit.

He softened his tone when I jumped.

"Mya tell me the real reason."

"I-It's just all," my eyes start watering, blurring my vision, and soon it's full-blown tears falling in torrents down my face, blinding as I stammer out.
"Everything!" I cry out, finally finding my words, "my grades, horrible customers, too little sleep just, i'm tired." I almost whisper the last part.

"Who?" was his quiet question sounding almost like a rumble in his throat, it had an edge to it but I ignored it.

I looked up at him, tears still streaming with confusion written all over my face. A chuckle devoid of amusement passed his lips at my expression.

"Let me rephrase, whose class are you stressed about? We could study together and I can...talk with them for you."

I calmed a little, the tears being replaced with sniffles and hiccups. I nodded my head as I covered my face with my hands. 'I probably look like a goblin.'

I burst into giggles at my thoughts. Kohl joins in although I can feel he is confused as to why I'm laughing, though it does succeed in dissipating the claustrophobic tension in the car.

"I-I'm sorry, I probably look like a goblin right now." I voice my thoughts to clear up his confusion.

I feel a pair of warm large hands over the top of mine pulling them away from my wet and probably swollen red face. I try to cover my face again but he stops me from doing so, and tells me sincerely that,

"On the contrary, I..think you look adorable," I scrunch my nose in opposition, probably furthering his point in his eyes, "beautiful even."

I lower my head, breaking eye contact as heat overtakes my face, sure that my face is a deep red.

"May I have my hands back please?" I ask in a small voice, embarrassed by his compliments.

He releases them from his firm hold.

"Sorry if that was inappropriate, I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable," he said, starting the car back up and driving back into the main lanes.

Silence filled the car as we drove until it was suffocating me.

"Human Geography, Terminology, and English Lit."


"Those are the classes I need help in, you can help me study since I've seen your grades, they're practically perfect."

"How about next week, over break?" he asked.
I nodded my assent, "Next week it is then."

Silence then filled the car, but it was comfortable this time until we reached my place. I got out quickly, exhausted and wanting nothing else except to hop in my bed and sleep for a million years.

"Thanks for the ride and dealing with my breakdown," I say with an embarrassed smile.

"No problem Mya, that's what friends are for, right?"

"Right," my smile widening, "goodnight Kohl, have a safe trip home."

"Goodnight," he said, starting up his car and driving away once I was in the complex doorway. I tiredly get into the elevator, hit my floor button, and slouched on the railing until the door opened.

I walked, more like trudged, to my door and fumbled with my key a while before unlocking the door. When it was opened, I slammed the closed with my foot as I stripped out of my clothes, while simultaneously walking to my bed. I plopped down into the mattress, not even bothering to get under the covers, and fell asleep.
next chapter you get to meet one of my favorite people. :))

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