𝟖 - 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐥𝐝'𝐬 𝐌𝐨𝐬𝐭 𝐀𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐲𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐀𝐥𝐚𝐫𝐦 𝐂𝐥𝐨𝐜𝐤

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I crack my eyes open and look at my clock beside my bed, seven a.m. was what it read. Wondering why I'm being woken up at the ass crack of dawn? Me too. Maybe it was the consistent taps on my forehead paired with the incessant chanting of my name in my ear.

"Mya, Mya, mYa wake up."

"Go away, Arden," I mumble and turn away from the voice.

It was silent for a second and then I processed what I had just said.

"Arden?!" I ask as I throw off the cover I must have covered up with in my sleep, and face my sibling.

"Long time, no see gremlin. By the way, nice strip show last night, wish I could burn that from my memory." they feigned shivers and then smirked down at me.

"Quit gawking like I'm a ghost. I'm very real, see," they then proceed to smack me in the face.

I scrunched my face in annoyance but they only smiled innocently back at me.

"I can see that now and since I know you're real, I can do this," I grumble out in my morning voice, then I lunge at them, launching myself out of the covers and towards their throat.

I wrap my hands around their throat without squeezing and get on top of them to make sure they can't wriggle away.

"How many times have I told you, whether we are home or otherwise NEVER to wake me up until the sun is up as well." I look up from them at the window and just as I expected, pitch-black--nighttime.

"But I'm hungry~" they whined as they tried to throw me off of them.

"I'm sure you're capable of making yourself a bowl of cereal." I say with a smile " or do you make your assistants do it since you're such a busy business person and all?"

"You're real funny," they said, sarcasm dripping from every word. They tap my arm, signaling me to let them go. I get off of them and lend them a hand to help them up. I heft them up and we head to the kitchen.

"So what brought you here?" I say, as I grabbed ingredients for breakfast and turn on the stove.

"I came to spend time with my little sister for the break since you never come home anymore."

" I literally went a couple of days ago and you weren't there. Besides, what's the point of packing to spend a few days at home when it's not that far from my own place."


We discuss how life has been going so far as I finish up cooking. By the time breakfast is ready Arden has successfully irritated me by whining about the food. I turn off the stove and finish plating and then give it to them.

"There, are you happy now?"

"Yeah, yeah," they reply and then start to shovel food into their mouth, barely breathing, a stark contrast to their indifferent response.

When they finally surfaced with a deep breath, their plate was empty, completely clean of crumbs.

"That was good."

I chuckle at their antics, "I can see that."

"So...what now? You don't have plans already, right Mya?

"I did but they haven't called me to give the details, so they must be busy," I say, patting my pockets, searching for my phone as I explain.

I got more and more panicked as I kept searching for it, finding nothing.

"Why does it look like you're trying to put out an imaginary fire on your body," they continue to laugh at my dilemma as I check the last place it could be on my person.

I look at my lap in defeat and whisper out a single word as I figure out where my phone is, "Kohl."


"Kohl," I say louder.

"Ooh~ who's this Kohl person?" they ask in a singsongy voice as they waggle their eyebrows at me.
'They're just like Dad.'

I raise my hands to try to block their cringiness.

"Ah Ah no. It's nothing like that, we're just friends."

"Friends~" they repeat in a suggestive tone.

"Seriously no, we are normal platonic friends. He's a genuinely good guy and sweet and kind and consider- stop looking at me like that you weirdo!" I smacked them on their arm and they threw their arms up in surrender.

"Ok ok fine, he's just your friend, but you gotta tell me; Who, What, When, Where, Why?"

I scrunch my face up in confusion, "What?"

"Jeesh your dumb," earning them another smack on the arm by me, "fill in the blanks for me woman, I know you're smarter than that. Who is Kohl? What is Kohl, When is Kohl? Where is Kohl, Why is Kohl?"

"That doesn't even make sense. When is Kohl? What is Kohl?" I ask incredulously.

"Just answer the damn questions, Mimi!"

"Kohl is a guy who I met a month ago. He's my new friend, he's very kind and generous, and basically the reason I haven't killed anyone yet. I guess to answer this, I met him, like I said, a month ago, I bumped into him on my way out of class. I don't know where he is right now because I don't have my phone but even if I did I don't think I ever got his number. I don't know why Kohl is the way he is but, he's an angel." I finish explaining, with a fond smile.

Arden then whistles, breaking me out of my reverie,
"Seems like you got yourself a serious crush there, little sis, you sure y'all are just friends?"

"Pfft wha~t, no, no I don't have a crush on him, we are just friends and nothing more. Now that you have all the details, can you drop it?" I quickly rushed out.



"How about we watch a movie?" Arden recommends.

"That sounds good, how about we re-watch that movie 'Split'?"

" Aw no we can't watch that again, the last time it was just you screaming at the TV about how medically inaccurate the movie was."

"Ok fine, since you don't like my idea what do you suggest?"

By this time we'd moved from the kitchen stools to sit on my two-seater couch facing the TV scrolling through the channels.

"Oh how about a Harry Potter movie marathon, like old times."

"Sure," I said and laid back for the copious amounts of time I would be spending sitting, might as well be comfy too.

so we met Arden. they were mentioned in chapter 6 and we will definitely be seeing more of them.
they are honestly one of my favorite characters so i hope you love them.
what are your first impressions?

until next time!!

⫯ 𝔇𝔢𝔞𝔡𝔩𝔶 𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 ⫯ (HIATUS)Where stories live. Discover now