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"Ladies and gentlemen, our flight to L.A  will start the process of landing soon. Please fold your tray tables away and your seat must be in the upright position. Your windowsill must be lifted and please put any belongings in a bag that is either stored in the overhead locker or under the seat in front of you. All phones must be switched off or on airplane mode and please remain seated when the seatbelt sign is on. Our crew wishes you a wonderful time and thank you for choosing our airline." A lady announces just as I wake up from my little nap.

I send a quick message to the boys saying I'm landing before switching off my phone and doing whatever else that lady said we had to do.

I look outside my window and see the beautiful city of Los Angeles. I completely forgot how nice it looked from the sky. I sigh knowing that there will probably be a lot of fans outside the airport because Harry is picking me up. It would have probably been a better idea to make Niall or Louis pick me up because then their 'fans' wouldn't get as excited when they saw them but I don't trust either of them with a steering wheel.

Niall would get too caught up with the music and forget he's driving, ending up crashing into a tree or something and Louis would want to try something reckless or stupid he saw on TV or something, also ending up in a crash.

I grab my backpack and slam it on my back before stepping off the plane and into the airport. Pretty sure I heard some camera flashes but I brush it off and text mum and the boys while I'm waiting for my other bags. I sigh seeing that Zayn hasn't replied to any of the texts I sent him.

I grab my three other massive suitcases and start to make my way to the parking. The moment I step into the pick up place I see loads of flashes and people screaming my name. If this is how it is to be friends with them then i can't even imagine what it's like dating them. I see Harry in the distance waving at me and I speed up a bit to get to him.

"Sorry I couldn't join you there. If they saw me then we wouldn't even be able to get out of this place without being ripped apart" he smiles sadly as he hugs me.

We stay like this for a moment, both missing and needing each other's comfort.

"Don't apologise Haz" I answer back when I pull away.

He offers to put my suitcases in the back and I jump in the front seat to see Liam at the steering wheel.

"Payno!" I exclaim in happiness.

"Hey bunny" he smiles as we hug tightly.

We hear the car door slam shut, indicating Harry was now in the car.

"Wait wait wait. If Liam is here too, then that means you left Louis, Niall and Zayn alone?" I question.

"Yes?" Harry says from the back seat.

"Why would you do that!? I wouldn't be surprised if the place is on fire the moment we get there" I say, face palming at what a stupid decision that was.

"Relax bunny it'll be fine" Liam chuckles as he starts driving.

"How are you two so calm about this?" I giggle.

"I trust my Lou" Harry says.

"Awwwwwwww" me and Liam mock.

"Oh shut up" Harry says, slight blush on his cheeks.

"Honestly it's bullshit that you two can't come out. You guys would literally break the internet. Actually scratch that. You'd break the world." I say.

"Well Simon says it would be better for our carrier if we don't come out just yet" Harry shrugs.

"My ass it would. Honestly why don't you guys kick that cunt out of the picture. Ain't he fucking useless?" I say.

"Not too sure if I'm honest. He is helping us a lot" Liam points out.

"Well whatever. As long as I get to see you guys and that you guys are ok with this shitshow then I guess I'm ok with it" I say and they both smile thankfully.

"By the way what's up with Zayn? He's not answering any messages" I question.

"Oh sorry we forgot to tell you. His phone broke and he was waiting for a new one. He wanted to come with us to pick you up but Paul took him to get his new phone earlier" Harry explains.

"It all makes sense to me" I smirk, singing in the tone of Little Things.

"Someone did her homework" Liam smiles.

"Take Me Home has literally been out for almost a year. Of course I know all the songs by heart" I retort.

"How's Christina?" Harry asks.

"Yeah she's alright. Nothing much we can do really" I shrug.

"We're really sorry we couldn't be there for you or her" Liam says softly.

"It's ok guys. I always knew dad was an asshole and I think mum guessed it too" I shrug.

"How about we go for ice cream later? All six of us" Harry suggests.

"Without getting eaten alive by your fans? Is that possible now?" I joke.

"Yeah totally. I heard a lot of them are vegan" Liam adds and we all burst out laughing.

Oh how I've missed those laughs.

After about twenty minutes of catching up I start to want to see the others even more.

"Lima how long until we get there?" I ask.

"About 10 minutes bunny" he answers, checking the GPS

"We're staying in quite a big house bunny. I'm sure you'll like it" Harry says.

"Please tell me my room is miles away from yours and Louis' " I plead jokingly.

Harry scoffs and Liam laughs at how much I'm into this Larry thing. I can't help it if I think they're adorable.

Our laughter was paused when Harry's phone rang. We hear occasional yes and ok from Harry before he hangs up and sighs.

"Management wants us to release Midnight Memories this month" he sighs.

"What? No fair. We won't get to spend time with bunny!" Liam exclaims.

"Guys it's fine do your thing. I can still hang out with you guys when you're not doing interviews and stuff" I shrug.

"But we wanted to spend all our time with you" Liam groans.

"Guys your fans should be your priority" I try to reason.

"We haven't seen you in a year because of this bullshit bunny. It's not fair" Harry says sadly.

"Wait. Why don't we bring bunny along? It would be so much for fun with her around!" Liam says.

"Oh fuck no Simon and management would kill me" I giggle.

"Come on bunny. At least think about it" Harry pleads.

"Let's see what Lou, Niall and Zayn think" I sigh giving up.

They both cheer and we finally decide to play some music for the rest of the trip.


I got excited.......

In my defence my first three classes were boring af and the teacher was just talking about shit we did last year so I didn't have to pay too much attention to it. I'll work on No Maybe Yes later on tho.

Hope you guys liked this chapter <3 I have to get back to class now but thanks so much for reading this.

Love you xxx

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