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"Guess who is spending the day with me?" Zayn cheered.

"Me?" I say in a monotone voice.

"Damn you are so smart bunny!" He says excitedly and I smile at his childish behaviour.

"So what do you have planned for the day Mr.Malik?" I smile.

"Well, first off we're watching all of the Despicable Me movies because minions are the best!"

"Zayn we can't just spend the whole day watching movies about yellow pills with eyes walking around making no sense" I try to reason and he gasps.

"How dare you insult minions!?"

"Zayn, some of them only have one eye"

"One cute eye" he points out and I roll my eyes with a fond smile at how adorable he's being over freaking senseless creatures.

"We can watch two of them at most. I want to do other things with my day with you" I negotiate and he thinks.

"Fine I guess that can work. Then we're having lunch at my favourite place ever and after that we can go paint and blast some music. Sounds fun?"

"Great even" I nod and he sits next to me to eat his cereal.

"By the way, have you spoken to Gigi recently?" I smirk and he chokes on his cereal.

"Oh um yeah but I'm not sure I'm ready for that kind of stuff yet. I'd rather hang out with you and the boys for now" he shrugs.

"Oh you'll be hanging around with the boys a lot when you guys are stuck to each other because of tour" I point out and he smiles.




"Zayn no"

"We have time for one more"

"No we don't"

"Please bunny it will be fun!"

"Zayn we are not watching a fourth one. I already let you have one extra one which resulted in us having to order pizza instead of going to your restaurant thing and if we watch another movie we won't have time for painting" I explain.

"God you are so boring" he groans.

"I'm the boring one when I'm the one suggesting we go out?" I scoff out in disbelief.

"Mhm" he nods proudly and I shove him more to his side of the bed.

"Go get changed and we'll leave in fifteen minutes" I say as I literally push him on the floor.

"Alright fine mother" he says as he gets up, mumbling "grumpy pants" when he closes the door.

I put on a simple outfit, figuring I'd get paint on it, and go to the front door to see Zayn already waiting for me, eyes glued to his phone

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I put on a simple outfit, figuring I'd get paint on it, and go to the front door to see Zayn already waiting for me, eyes glued to his phone.

"Alright then let's go" he says once he sees me and we make our way to the car.

The whole car ride is, again, me blasting his own songs and giving him a whole performance along with it. I even tried (and failed) to do his own high note in Best Song Ever. I even did the choreography that they did in the music video! Of course Zayn kept rolling his eyes and chuckling every time I accidentally hit him with my hand or I smacked my head against the door. Other than that it was great fun!

After about ten minutes we finally to this painting place I've heard so much about and I immediately understand what the fuss is about.

Just looking at the building you could tell that this place was a getaway for a lot of people. Even the walls on the outside were painted.

Zayn led us in and as we walk in the corridor I see a bunch of framed paintings hung up on the walls, stopping for the occasional hello Zayn would throw when he walked past people I assume he knows.

We finally get to a wooden door and Zayn uses the key in his pocket to open it and when I step in the air is quite literally knocked out of my chest.

One of the four walls is full of different graffitis and paintings of random things that popped out of Zayn's head and it's truly remarkable. He is really good at this stuff.

Another one of the walls is painted but not in the same way as the first. This one looks like one big painting full of detail that looks like it takes precise techniques to complete. I'm not quite sure what it's supposed to be yet since it looks like it's only been started but it already looks amazing

"Zayn this looks great! Is this all just you?" I ask when I finally realise I'm supposed to speak.

"Thanks and yeah that's just me. Most people buy a room here and lock themselves in it to paint. Sometimes four people each buy a wall and they paint as friends" he shrugs.

"Wait you actually buy the wall?" I ask.

"Well kind of yeah. I pay a fee every month so I can have access to the building and stuff but other than that I bought the wall. I only pay for the ti
me I'm here though so like when I'm on tour I don't need to pay" he explains and I nod.

"So, pick your weapon" he smiles and reaches both his hands forward, one holding a paintbrush and one holding a pair of protective glasses which I assume I have to wear if I want to use the spray.


Did we end up getting into a paint fight?

Of course not, we're grown adults.

Did we however end up splashing paint all over each other?



I literally want to kill wattpad.

It gave me such a hard time to save this chapter for some reason. It kept lagging, putting text all over each other, removing the picture and all sorts of other stuff so if the chapter looks a bit funny then just let me know and I'll see if I can fix it.

Anyway how is everyone doing? (I'm doing Louis' job since he forgot about all of us)

Also, I was thinking of making the next chapter the last one but my brain came up with an idea to make the story a bit longer so you can thank my annoying ass brain!

I'll see you in the next chapter

Love you xxx

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