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Of fucking course.

Why am I not surprised?

Harry Styles out with his close friend known as 'bunny'. Possible new romance?

"So now what?" Niall asks.

"I roast the shit out of them on twitter?" I say shamelessly and Zayn laughs.

"That's not going to get it sorted out" he explains and I shrug.

"It's the media. Nothing sorts it out. So might as well have fun with it" I reason.

"I hate to say it but I do agree with her on that subject" Louis shrugs and Harry whacks the back of his head.

"Don't encourage her Lou" he warns.

"Anyways we have to go get ready for our interview. Bunny I suppose you're not coming?" Liam asks and I shake my head.

"You bet I'm coming. I want to see the old bat's face when you deny this relationship" I say and Niall bursts out laughing.


"So Harry, we heard you're dating Alice. How are things going?" Ellen asks and Niall face palms.

"Um we're actually not dating" Harry clarifies.

"Yeah of course you're not. You guys literally went out a few days ago" she scoffs.

"And so did Niall and Liam took her to the gym. Does that mean they're in a polygamous relationship? Thanks for telling me Payno" Louis sasses, patting Liam's shoulder.

"Well no that's different" Ellen says and now it's my turn to scoff.

Who does she think she is?

"How is it different though?" Zayn laughs nervously.

"Well because Harry is Harry and he is the one that gets all the girls" Ellen says and I can see the fury in Louis' facial expression, not very different from mine.

Niall and Zayn turn around to look at me as if saying stay back, which I obviously ignore as I storm on the set livid.

"The only reason Harry gets all the girls is because people like you just assume that he is dating every living thing that has a vagina. If people stopped assuming shit just because he hangs out with a girl then maybe, just maybe, they would be able to see that in fact he is not dating said girl" I say calmly and by Liam's face I can tell he is shocked at how calm I am right now.

"Well if he is with the girl there must be a reason" Ellen says and I scoff.

"Then why aren't I dating Niall? Or Liam? Or why not Zayn? How about Louis? I hang out with all of them don't I? Why is it just that when I hang out with Harry that is when everyone assumes we're dating? I bet even if I was hanging out with all the boys you would find a way to say that Harry and I are dating" I continue and Liam stands up to tell me to stop.

"They're going to kick you out bunny" he whispers.

"You should listen to your friend there" Ellen warns.

"You don't scare me one bit" I challenge.

"Bunny" Liam insists.

"Payno" I reply.

"Bunny please it's not that big of a deal-"

"It is Harry! I'm tired of people assuming all sort of shit about you all the damn time. It's not fair to you or anyone really. You can't even go out without anyone saying shit about you"

"Don't make me call security" Ellen says.

I don't even have time to respond before Liam swoops me over his shoulder and physically drags me out. I see the other boys stand and start to follow.

"Where are you guys going? We're not done" Ellen says frantically.

"With our best friend" Zayn says and walks off, following Liam.

Liam throws me in the van and all of the other boys come in and shut the door, ordering the driver to go.

"Liam could've just dumped me in here while you guys finished the interview" I mumble, arms crossed like a child.

"And stay with that witch? No thanks" Niall says and I smile.

"Thanks for sticking with me guys. Even when I burst like that" I say sheepishly, not knowing my way about with words.

"Trust me bunny if you didn't do it then Louis might have" Zayn says and Louis nods.

"Beside, we love you because of that. We love that you don't give a shit what people say and you say what's on your mind" Harry shrugs and I smirk.

"Careful Harry, people might say we're married because of that" I joke.

"Someone is going to have to deal with Simon tomorrow" Liam sighs.

"Oh let me have him"

"No" all of them say at the same time.

"Oh come on what are you guys so afraid of" I reason.

"That you're going to kill him"

"Or injure him"

"Send him back to hell"

"Throw him out of the window"

"Crush his skull-"

"Ok ok i get it" I roll my eyes.

"Would that be so bad though?" Louis asks.

"Louis!" Liam and Harry say.

"At least let me come with you guys. I put you in this mess, let me help" I reason and Liam sighs.

"Fine. But you keep your mouth shut" he warns.

"Can't make any promises"


Kinda short ik but I wasn't too sure what to do with this chapter.

I'm getting my best friend to help me with bunny's day with Louis so when that chapter comes it will take longer to write so please bare with me.

I wasn't originally going to post this today but I did sports yesterday after not doing shit for 5 months and I am in painnnnnnnnnnnnnnn right now so i thought well since I can't move then might as well finish this then.

Hope you liked it!

Love you xxx

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