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"You have got to be fucking kidding me" I gape, trying to make sense of what just happened.

"Normally I would scold you for swearing like that but I'll let it slide. Just this once" mum sighs on the other end of the line.

"The audacity of this fucker. I hope you're not going to that damn wedding" I scoff.

"Of course I'm not. The question remains what do we do with the house?"

"Can't you just keep it? It was yours before you met him"

"Yes but when we joined our assets and he started helping with the bills it became our house so I can't just keep it. If both of us want it we'll have to fight for it in court"

(a/n: I have no idea how divorce works and shit I'm just making up stuff that makes sense to me)

"Fucking asshole" I curse under my breath.

"This is really a special occasion. Better get all your swearing out now young lady"

"Well what will you do if he gets the house? You don't have anywhere to go. We don't have anywhere to go" I state and I hear her sigh.

"I'm not sure. At least we don't have to worry about custody since you're 19 years old."

"Yeah like custody is the reason we might be literally homeless soon" I snap and quickly apologise, not meaning to snap at mum.

"Look I have to go now, I'm spending the day with the boys. I'll call you back tonight so we can talk about this" I sigh and she agrees.

I open my bedroom door and see Louis standing there, looking like he was about to knock on the door.

"Hey I was coming to get you, it's time to go. Are you ok?" He asks immediately as soon as he notices the expression on my face.

"Yeah I'm fine" I say, waving my hand around to gesture to get out of the way.

"You know, you can always talk to me" Louis says with a worried look on his face as we walk.

"Yeah I know it's just-" I stop myself before rambling like an idiot. "I'm fine"

This time Louis grabs my shoulders and forces me to look at him.

"You're not. Now, I'm not going to force you to tell me but I just want you to know I'm here. You don't have to tell anyone if you're not comfortable with it yet but I'm not going to let you walk around pretending you're fine when you're clearly not" he says firmly and I sigh.

"It's just-" I sigh again and blink away the tears that are threatening to escape. "It's not that important" I fake smile, knowing Louis won't believe a single word of that.

"You know I don't believe a single word of that right?" He says raising a brow and I chuckle in response.

"Hey Louis have you- woah bunny what's going on?" Zayn stops in his tracks when he sees Louis's hands wrapped around my wrists and my red bloodshot eyes.

"And don't say I'm fine because clearly you're not" he adds before I can answer. 

"Bunny, me and Zayn and even the other boys are here for you. Just, please talk to us. We don't want to force you but we want to help you and we can't if we don't know what the problem is" Louis pleads as Zayn gets closer to us.

"Ok. I'm not- I'm not fine. My dad disappears in the middle of the night with a note that says he moved on whatever the hell that means and doesn't contact us except for yesterday when he called to say he wants a divorce so he can marry the bitch who he apparently ran away with. Not to mention he might take my mother's house meaning we won't have anything left" I blurt out and Louis keeps a protective hold of my hands while Zayn's arm is around my shoulder.

"Oh bunny I'm so sorry" Zayn sighs, side hugging me.

"That dickface" Louis curses and Zayn gives him a warning look.

"Oh and cherry on top of the cake he fucking has the audacity to invite me and my mum to his wedding" I chuckle, Zayn wiping the single tear I had let slip.

"I swear I will kill that fucker" Louis threatens and I smile.

"No it's ok, mum and I will deal with it when I get back"

"It's not ok bunny, stuff like that shouldn't happen" Zayn says and this time both of them engulf me in a heart melting hug that I honestly want to freeze in time.

I notice Liam standing there with a sad look on his face and I break the hug to rush into his arms. Right now I just want to hug all of them and never let go.

"I'm sorry I'm being such an idiot" I say, the sound muffled by the fact my face is in Liam's chest.

"You're not being an idiot bunny, you've got emotions that's all" Liam says as she soothingly runs his hands in my hair.

"What is taking everyone so long?" I hear Harry say and I look to the side to see him and Niall get sent daggers by both Zayn and Louis.

"Don't be mean guys" I say as I walk over and explain everything to Harry and Niall.

I mean, they are my best friends so I know I can trust them with this sort of stuff.

"I'm so sorry bunny, do you want us to do anything?" Harry asks while I'm hugged against Niall.

"No I'm fi-"

"Don't you dare say you're fine" Niall warns and I smile.

"Ok. It's fine" I sass as I break the hug.

"Let's not let this ruin our day. Let's go to the movies as planned and have a nice lunch. I'll figure out the rest when we get back" I say trying to lift up the mood.

"No, we will figure out the rest when we get back" Zayn says, wrapping his arm around my shoulder and I smile at him.


I'm back!

Don't come at me if that's not now stuff works 1) this is fiction 2) I have no idea how divorce and stuff like that work.

Hope you like this little something I added because that means the story is going to be a bit longer than I had planned. Not that much longer but at least a bit.

Anyway how's everyone?

I'll see you in the next chapter

Love you xxx

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