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"Rise and shine bunny!" Niall shouts as he jumps on my bed to wake me up.

"Noooooo fuck offffffff" I groan and put my head under my pillow.

"You travel half the world to see us and you're going to spend your time sleeping?" Liam asks as he leans against the door frame.

"I'm here for a whole month. We're not missing out on much if I sleep in on the first day" I groan, head still under my pillow.

"Come on bunny wake up" Niall says as he shakes me.

"Well technically I'm awake. What you want me to do is get out of bed" I say smartly, hitting him with a pillow.

"She got you there Niall" Liam laughs and I throw a pillow at him.

Niall sends daggers to Liam and looks back at me with a smirk.

"Niall. What's going on in that crazy head of yours?" I saw worriedly. You just never know what to expect with this guy.

He smiles, not so innocently, before ripping the covers off me and whacking me on his shoulder, carrying me potato bag style into the kitchen.

"Are you fucking serious Niall? Put me down!" I exclaim, hitting his back.

"Not until you're ass is on a chair in the kitchen" Niall says before walking towards the kitchen.

"Liammmmm help meeeeeeee" I plead.

"No can do bunny" Liam smirks.

"Fuck the both of you!" I laugh.

Niall carries me into the kitchen and puts me down on a chair at the dining table.

"Genius Niall. How am I supposed to make breakfast for myself?" I question.

"Zayn cooked for you. He's the only one who knows what you eat for breakfast" Liam explains and just then, Zayn walks in with a bowl in each hand.

He sits down next to me and puts a bowl down in front of me.

"Oatmeal with strawberries and blueberries with some maple syrup" he states proudly.

I smile at him as he gives me a spoon and start eating when Liam sits down opposite me with a plate of avocados on toast.

"Don't let Louis see that" I point out.

"He and Harry are still sleeping so I should have time to finish it before he-"

"Payno are those avocados I see you eating?" Louis says coming in the kitchen.

"Dammit" Liam huffs out.

"Abort mission!" Niall exclaims running in with a bowl of cereal.

"Always dramatic" Louis says, rolling his eyes but still smiling.

"Always so nice in the morning" Harry says as he walks towards the table, pinching Louis' butt as he passes.

"Yeah I could have lived my life without witnessing that" I say.

"Same here" Zayn says, gagging for added drama.

Harry rolls his eyes at us and sits on the other side of me.

"I just fucked him raw" Harry whispers in my ear.

"Ewwwwwww Harry fuck offfffffff" I screech and move closer to Zayn, almost sitting on him.

"Jesus Harold you could have kept that to yourself" Zayn says, hugging me protectively.

"He's just bragging about the fact I let him top this one time because I did all the work last night" Louis says as he sits opposite Harry.

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