Average Day of Spike

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A beautiful morning arises in Brawltopia, a perfect time for brawling,relaxing or just having a good time. For a silent cactus named Spike, those would be his favourite activities. Every morning he would stare at the sun high above a rock in the desert feeling confident that today would be a great day. The day begins with Spike walking to Barley's Bar to greet his friends,Shelly and Colt and other brawlers who were chilling out.

Spike would request water to keep himself hydrated. He doesn't wilt away but rather uses the water as an energy source for long journeys and brawling. After that, he would journey to Mortis' Mortuary to observe the life around the area and ocassionally see what the Undead Trio is up to which range to just chats to digging tombs to swimming in the acidic lakes. Spike always believed that the mortuary would inhabit vengeful spirits which can explain the eerie atmosphere and the wildlife almost becoming non-existent but that's just Spike for you.

Spike then journeys to Pam's Junkyard to secretly collect some leftover scrap for his "project". It's unknown why Spike collects scrap when the Junkers aren't around but maybe it's the best to not answer too many questions. Once Spike collected the scrap, he headed to Super City where he witnessed Max and Surge beating baddies to save the people obviously. It's quite rare for Spike to see this happen as he doesn't usually come to this location early but in any case he ventures on to 8-Bit's Arcade playing some videogames and arcade cabinets to ease off the stress from walking a lot. He met Brock there who was playing the boombox to enlighten the customers who visit the arcade giving a funky and 80's vibe. Spike couldn't help but join in with the customers dancing his usual winning pose whenever he wins in brawls.

Evening came with the sky becoming gloomy and pouring down rain above. Rainy weather was Spike's favourite no doubt as his body absorbed the water giving him a speed boost. This was convenient as Spike was now heading to Rosa's Lab which was a long journey from 8-Bit's Arcade so he wasted no time.
Spike made it to Rosa's Lab and knocked on the front door. He was greeted by Bea and Rosa happy to see the silent cactus. They both let him in to observe all the plant life and experiments going on. Spike noticed Sprout grazing weeds like a lawnmower giving him a confused expression. Maybe Sprout was designed this way or is sentient like Spike? Who knows? Either way after some time, Spike left the lab and went to the nearby ocean to fish. Fishing was Spike's hobby as he enjoyed catching different fish while watching a beautiful view despite the gloomy sky. As he fished, he noticed the pirate ship in the distance where Darryl and his crew were finding treasure or as Darryl puts it as "Booty!"
(Timeskip again)
After some hours have passed, Spike finished fishing a ton of fish. He may not be able to eat them but he can share them with his friends on his final location.

The sky was becoming dark as night was falling. Before Spike walked to his last location, he watched the sun setting down giving him confidence just like in the morning. With that out of the way, Spike went as quick as he can to Poco's Bandstand where the Mexican Entertainers (Poco, Amber and El Primo) will be performing for tonight's show. Spike made it to the show a few minutes earlier trying to find a good seat to have a good view to watch. He noticed Shelly and Colt were on their seats on the front row so he went to the vacant seat next to them. The two were glad to see Spike made it in good time and had their chats until the show began.
(Timeskip yet again)

The show ended very horribly with brawlers fighting each other after the show was burning from Amber's mistakes. Spike didn't mind as he roasted the fish he caught from the fire and left them on a nearby foodstand for anyone to take when the brawl is over. Spike then made a sprint back to the desert to conclude another day. As he sprinted back, he swore he saw someone in the distance going to the ocean. Eh it's probably nothing he thought. Once Spike got back, he grabbed the scrap he collected from Pam's Junkyard and used them as pieces for a model that looks just like him. The silent cactus smiled at the model hoping he can get to finish it but that will take time. With everything down for today, Spike laid down on the sand and "went to sleep".

Just the average day of a silent cactus

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