Starry Sneaks

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Break time! A wonderful 30 minute session for employees working at the Starr Park Giftshop after serving customers and bringing in items in the nick of time. The two employees, Edgar and Colette were staying in the breakroom to get their minds off work temporarily with Edgar listening to his favourite music via headset and Colette excitedly going through her scrapbook admiring the various items she got from Brawlers. While she enjoys collecting items, safety precautions have been increasing preventing her from collecting such items very easily all by herself. However, she knew the perfect idea, a very wonderful idea you may say.

Colette: "Hey Edgar! I have a favour for you.~~"
Edgar was not paying attention since he was focusing listening to music. Colette, not wanting to wait, forcefully grabbed Edgar's headset out from his ears.
Edgar: "Hey I was listening to that! Can you atleast wait?!"
Colette: "Oh calm down emo boy. I just have a lil favour to ask of you."
Edgar: "Well it better not waste my time. Work has been infecting my body badly!"
Colette: "Ok! I want to ask if you, Edgar, can assist me in finding various items with me for my collection. A great deal if I do say so myself."
Edgar: "No way! Fantasizing brawlers is one thing but me helping you to find them?! Count me out!"
Colette: "Aww cmon! It will be an exciting adventure, you and I, finding brawler items."
Edgar: "No means no! That is my final answer!"


As soon as Edgar made his decision, break time was over and Edgar went back to his working station. Colette was upset with what Edgar said. She doesn't want to accept "No" as an answer.
Colette: "You just made the worst decision Edgar. You will see why for yourself." She said while grinning menancingly.


The dayshift was finally over. Edgar and Colette both clocked out for today and headed to their apartments in Old Town. Edgar entered into his room feeling relieved for finishing today even though he has another two days until the weekend. Whatever, he spent his time listening to music while painting his fingernails imagining himself in the audience listening to his favourite band of all time: "The Bad Randoms." Night eventually rolled in so Edgar took a nice warm shower, changed into his pajamas, hung up his scarf on a hanger and went to his bed to sleep. Tomorrow is another day...........or is it?

Twenty minutes have passed and Edgar couldn't sleep. It was strange as he normally would be asleep by now. He tried to close his eyes again but still couldn't sleep. It was like a presence was there that interrupted his nap. Edgar couldn't take it so he got out of bed and grabbed his flashlight on the drawer next to the bed looking around his room for whatever or whoever is causing his interrupted nap. He was about to give up as nothing in his apartment didn't feel off but there was one more location he didn't check: Underneath the bed.
So Edgar approached to his bed and braced for impact as he slowly crouched down with his flashlight in hand. When the light was shown underneath the bed, Edgar couldn't believe his eyes.
Colette was underneath Edgar's bed showing an empty grin and her eyes locked onto his. Before Edgar could react, Colette shot a tranquilizer dart onto his head causing him to become unconscious.
Colette's plan was put into action.

Edgar groaned as he opened his eyes having a nauseous feeling in his body. He quickly realized he wasn't in his room, and instead was a lightbulb shown on the ceiling flickering on and off as it illuminates the surrounding area. Edgar couldn't tell where he was but a figure approached from the darkness and he could already tell who it was as they approached to him.
???: "Oh you're awake! I was scared that you wouldn't wake up until morning."
Edgar: "Colette!! You!"
Colette: "That dart really did a thing or two on your mind. And you're also tied up by the hands of me." Colette gave a grin to Edgar.
Edgar: "What the hell's the matter with you?! Why would you knock me out and tie me up? I've seen levels of crazy from you but this! This draws the line!"
Colette: "Oh Edgar.~~ You know exactly why I'm doing this!" Colette said as she stroked Edgar's chin up to her level.
Edgar was not liking this one bit but he unfortunately knew why Colette did all this and wished he didn't.
Edgar: "Don't tell me it was from that favour from today isn't it? I already refused your offer and you should've moved on from that."
Colette: "You know me. I wouldn't let this slide even if I want it to. And besides, you're gonna be ballistic when you see the outside."
The outside? Edgar was confused by that last line but before he can say anything, Colette pushed the chair where Edgar was tied up to a hole possibly made by Colette. As he glimpsed from the hole, he was shocked.
There were security guards with flashlights patrolling the area which shockingly looked like Starr Park. The reality is that it was Starr Park. Edgar couldn't believe it. How did Colette carried him without even being caught?! Colette must be more than meets the eye but he'll focus on that later.
Edgar: "You really are an unimaginable fool aren't you?! I can't believe all this happened just because "I refused your favour!"
Colette: "Oh don't worry Edgar. You will leave on one condition."
Edgar had no other choice than to listen.
Colette: "You and I will be finding three items from Brawlers tonight here. I changed you back to your outfit with your scarf as I think that will make you camouflage in the darkness and your scarf certainly does have stealth properties. Ooh and also your sweet parkour skills! Once three items are obtained and we don't get caught, I'll promise to not ask of this again foooor the rest of the year."
Edgar was baffled that he was changed by Colette while he was knocked out. His face started to blush a bit but shook it off as he replied.
Edgar: "Ok but what if I refuse?"
Colette: "Trust me Edgar. You won't like it and I don't want to be sad again!"
Edgar: "Fine! Please don't do this again when we're done!"
Colette: "No promises!"
Colette untied Edgar from the chair and he can finally move freely again. He was still not happy of the situation he's in but he has to do what he has to do.

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