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Hey luvs <3 

Srry for not posting over a month, I was just on a break from writing due to writers' block and a break :) 

Anyways this was dedicated to my online friend @FishyIdiotexe <3 

Mafia AU 


Atsumu Miya was a normal person, if you didn't count him as part of the ' Inarizaki Mafia '.

Wake up, Have breakfast, receive missions from his boss, Kita Shinsuke, bully his twin brother Osamu Miya, sleep and repeat.

Pretty normal, right?

Until now...

" I want you to kill Sakusa Kiyoomi " his boss Kita said bluntly to a dumbfounded Atsumu.

" You mean, ' HIM '? " Atsumu loudly asked.

Atsumu wasn't a timid person, in fact he was quite the opposite.

However, we're talking about THE Sakusa Kiyoomi. The heartless leader of Itachiyama, known for not giving two shits and takes what he wants. He's a feared person you don't want to mess with. 

" Yes, ' him ' " Kita said, clearly irritated.

The fake blond sighed, he knew it was no point in arguing .

" Yes, boss~ " he made sure to exaggerate the word ' boss ' in which Kita replied with an eye rolled.

𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

I began prepping my weapons, just in case of any threat, that is until I heard a small knock on my door.

" Come in " I said loud enough, despite knowing who it is.

" Atsumu ya dumb shit- " I didn't have to turn around to recognize the annoying voice.

" Aw, does my little brother care about me?~ " I finally turned around.

" Of course I do ya ass shit " he said, laying on my bed.

" What do you want? " I questioned him.

 " I heard you're going to kill ' him '.. " he said, slowly getting up a little, " Tsumu.. please be careful " he looked ta with me with sincerity. 

I looked at him for a moment before saying, " Have I've been reckless 'Samu? "

He raised an eyebrow, " Remember when you- " he began recounting all the time I ' fucked up ' on his fingers.

" OK OK I GET " I said, clearly fed up.

He laughed heartily.

" Now shoo! I gotta finish prepare for y mission " I exclaimed, going back to packing my weapons under my clothing.

He rolled his eyes, " Whatever, I gotta go cuddle with Rin Rin " 

" Oh~ then what?~ " I asked playfully, wiggling my eyebrows.

" Shut up! " he said, blushing from ear to ear like a lovesick idiot. 

He slammed the door but not before saying, " Love ya Tsumu " quietly, thinking I didn't hear it.

I chuckled, " Love ya too baby bro " 

ℕ𝕠 𝕠𝕟𝕖'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

When Atsumu arrived, he easily took down  all the bodyguards and other people in his way without getting a single scratch on his body.

However, he thought this was easy, too easy. 

Suddenly he felt something in his neck.

It was a tranquillizer.  

' Shit ' was his last words before hitting the ground.

𝔸𝕥𝕤𝕦𝕞𝕦'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

' Fuck ' I said, waking up. I looked around my environment, seeing myself only in boxers.

' Where am I? ' I asked myself, fully awake.

As I looked around, I realized I was in an expensive bedroom which was not mine nor anyone I know of. 

I immediately tried to get out of there, unfortunately I saw chains attached to my ankles.

' What kind of sick fuck would do this? ' I thought. 

As if on cue, I heard the bedroom door open.

It was him.

" I see your awake~ " he said in a seductive tone.

I rolled my eyes as a response.

" Not talking huh? " he asked, raising an eyebrow.

Fuck, that was hot.

I adverted my eyes to anywhere but the man's gaze.

" Fine, I'll make you talk~ " he stated before removing my chains and climbing on top of me. 

Before I could respond I felt a pair of lips on mine.

" Mhm~ " I tried moving but his grip was too powerful.

" Still not talking?~ " he questioned, breaking the kiss with our saliva drooling.

I turned my head from side-to-side.

He chuckled, " Ok then " and started reaching for my boxers.

" What are you- " I weakly asked put was interrupted when a large ' thing ' entered me. 

" AGH~ " I moaned. Fuck. 

" There's my slut~ " he praised me before thrusting hard while giving me hickeys down my body.

" S-SLOW DOWN " I asked, choking on my own tears.

He looked at me. " Don't think I can bunny~

My eyes rolled back as I began scratching his back.

" F-fuck y-you're so tight darling~ " he groaned. 

" S-so tight for me, right? " he questioned while pounding me.

"O-only fer y-you " I manage to say but I was in to much pleasure. 

The whole night was filled with lewd sounds and skin slapping 

Hours later, he began slowing down, meaning he was going to cum as well as I.

" I-I-I'm gonna c- " I said while slowly slowly my eyes.

" M-me too mi amor~ " he said and held my hand as we came together.

𝕊𝕒𝕜𝕦𝕤𝕒'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍~

After ' that ' I cleaned him and I together. 

I looked at him sleeping next to me.

I couldn't resist giving him a kiss on the forehead. 

" Good night my love~ "

It's normal to kiss your ' enemy ' on the forehead and make love with him, right?

Ok this was my first ever smut pls don't hate :)

Also I have a tik tok acc @sakusasbitch follow me or I'll eat your toes tonight/srs

And does anyone wanna friend me I'm lonely :( 

My discord name is railmeoikawa#3778 ( my cousin chose my disc name pls don't cancel me )

Pls don't be shy.. like AT ALL.. anyways bye lmao.

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