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Tags: Top Sakusa Kiyoomi, Bottom Miya Atsumu, Big dick omi, soft sex turns into rough sex, crying, begging, pet names, dirty talk, praise kink, degradation kink, possessive behaviors, boyxboy, porn without plot.



Atsumu looked at himself in the mirror, sighing at himself for the 20th time as he gently touched his freckles, treating it as if it was a sacred, fragile possession. Recently, hate comments have been the new normal for the tone blond, regularly getting hate from anonymous people online to his old classmates coming back to spite him.

From outsiders, this wouldn't have affected him, being known for his cocky behavior, and his 'arrogant' personality. However, those who knew him personally knew how he was behind closed doors, a very caring person who gets insecure easily. With that in mind, he began reminiscing about all the hurtful and mean comments, going from his homelife and personality to his setter skills and appearance. "Mi amor, are you okay?" he heard a soft voice behind him, tattooed hands wrapped around his tiny waist. He looked up in the mirror to see his boyfriend, Sakusa Kiyoomi.

He silently gulped, contemplating whether or not he should answer until he heard his boyfriend speak up again. "Atsu, are you okay?" he asked, but this time more affirmative. The scared blond shook his head quickly. Not wanting to upset his lover. Knowing how scary he can be when angry. Suddenly, he let out a loud yelp, surprised at the sudden movement from their cheval glass to their bed. "O-omi.. " the blond stuttered, heart thumping. Boy did he screw up now. "I'm going to ask you one more time, " Kiyoomi growled into his ear, making sure he heard it loud and clear. "Are you okay?" he said, his black orbit eyes staring deep into his partner's honey brown eyes.

Instantly, the blond began sobbing, he didn't know why, maybe it was the way his boyfriend spoke to him or the hate comments, but all he knew was that he needed affection. "Darling, are you alright?" Kiyoomi asked for the 4th time, but this time felt.. different. So, like any insecure boyfriend he told Kiyoomi, he told him all the hate and negativity he has received and Sakusa listened and comforted him through his sobs.

"Tsumu, they don't know what they're saying.." he said, gently wiping his tears and stroking his face, treating him as an antique possession, careful not to break it. Slowly but lovingly, the raven head gave him soft kisses, from his cheeks to his thighs. Soft moans echoed the room from the blond, trying his best not to give in the temptation to which the ravenette smirked and purposely giving the other dark, hickies he knew his loving boyfriend would complain about in the morning but that's a future Kiyoomi problem, for now he wanted to enjoy this moment with his partner and give him as much love as he can, wanting him to know that he owns him.

"O-omi.. I.. want.." Atsumu tried to say but was too caught up in the way Kiyoomi uses his two fingers stretching him out, making the setter arch his back in pleasure, ready to release, that is until said man grabbed his dick and smirked, "No cumming yet, my love, just wait" he said, going through their cupboard, looking for a condom as his partner whined at the loss of pleasure, but immediately stopped when he saw the stoic glare from his boyfriend. "Fuck, baby we don't have any condoms.. a-are you sure you want to continue?" he asked, a little worried, not wanting to worry his boyfriends since this is first ever time they had raw sex. Luckily, the blond trusted his boyfriend enough and only nodded slowly. Kiyoomi chuckled to that, admiring how cute his boyfriend is, even now, wanting to take his boyfriend in raw. Slowly, Kiyoomi took off Atsumu's clothes, kissing him on the lips as a way of distracting from getting scared whilst Atsumu also did the same, not wanting to be the only one naked.

Once out of clothes, Kiyoomi took a moment to admire his lover, his world, someone he would kill for. Atsumu, however, took that negatively, and looked away, blushing, feeling self-conscious about himself. Sakusa saw this and lifted his chin, forcing eye contact and lowly growled, "Don't you ever look away from me" he said, not long before giving him a kiss, showing him how much he loves him. "Ready?" he asks, holding his hand, ready to comfort his lover, to which the blond slowly nodded.

Steadily, he began putting the tip in, not wanting to hurt his baby. "Omi..~" the setter gasped, how did he not realize he was so big? "Shh. everything's going to be alright, mi vida.." Kiyoomi calmly spoke, softly kissing his neck, giving Atsumu butterflies in his stomach which made him let out a lewd moan and arch his back. "It's alright, I'll be gentle" Kiyoomi comforted him.

Finally in, Atsumu needed a moment to get used to Kiyoomi's length inside him. When given permission, Kiyoomi started thrusting at first, which made the ravenette grunt and the toned blonde moaning. Soon after, the room was filled with skin slapping and grunts. "O-omi.. Oh.. God.." the blond said, his eyes rolled back, toes curled as his boyfriend pounded into him, roughly while saying dirty words into his ears.

"Oh? You like that? Like when I pound you so hard you forget how to speak?"

"Fuck baby, you're so tight. Tight for me, right?"

"Look at you, legs spread out, moaning my name like a slut, my slut."

"O-omi.. I'm gonna.." the blond said, eyes blurred, with his tongue out, managing to speak little sentences, but his boyfriend knew what he wanted. "Wanna cum? Cum for me mi amore, just like that.." the spiker smirked, knowing how badly Atsumu wanted to cum. "Omi~ Omi~" the setter chanted, gripping onto his lover's back, earning a few scratches back, earning a grunt in pain. "Fuck.. shit, baby, mi amor, my love, I'm gonna come, let's come together" he said, holding his lover's hand while roughly thrusting into him, making the blond cry from the overwhelming pressure.

"Kiyoomi.." Atsumu whispered, they have just finished making love and are now huddled up to one another. "Hmm?" Kiyoomi asked, wearing glasses while reading a novel shirtless, hickeys and scratches visibly shown. "I love you.." the setter weakly smiles, fighting to lay awake but later lost before his boyfriend can even respond. "I love you too, mi vida, and I'll kill anyone just for you." he wickedly smiled before also succumbing into slumber.

After that night, let's just say Atsumu never got insecure ever again. :)     

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2022 ⏰

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