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Chapter Eight


Addison had called the cleaning service they used to quickly come clean the house. She had offered double the usual rate plus tip for a service if they could come out today. Derek on his end was impressed at how fast Addison could get someone over to scrub the house clean. Not that it was dirty to begin with, but Addison being Addison had wanted it to be perfect.

They had the CPS home inspection set for tomorrow, just a few hours before Amelia's release from the hospital. The pressure was mounting and they could only hope they would be approved in time.

Derek felt overwhelmed by the events of the past 24 hours, and the thought of losing Amelia to foster care made his stomach churn.

Jillian, the social worker they spoke with yesterday at the hospital, would be the one coming by to inspect their home. The list of requirements was placed on the fridge where they had left it last night in plain sight for the social worker to see they were taking things seriously.

Amelia's 24 hour psych hold had begun that afternoon and as expected, she was not handling it well at all. According to his mom, she had begged and pleaded to be released, ultimately dissolving into a panic attack that required her to be sedated for her own safety. Carolyn had not left the hospital and was determined to stay by her terrified daughter's side until they dragged her away.

He and Addison had listened to her tearful cries of betrayal and fear when they had called her earlier that morning. Hearing her sobs through the phone, slurred and disoriented from her sedation, were agonizing to listen to.

He wanted nothing more than to snatch her up and never let go, and he desperately wanted to go back out there the second the inspection was done. Her fear and her pain was his kryptonite, it had been since their lives had changed all those years ago in their father's store.


Early December 1986

Derek knew now that everything in his life and his family's life had changed for the worst. He decided he would now have to step up and be the man of the house.

He tried his best to soothe his baby sister, although nothing seemed to be working. He stood holding her as the paramedics zipped their father up in a black bag and took him away. He felt the tiny arms and legs squeezing him tightly, holding onto him for dear life. Her small body heaved with sobs, choking and gasping for air as she shook violently.

He wasn't allowing himself to be upset or fall apart yet, not while his most important job was to take care of Amy. She was only a baby and she didn't deserve this. He knew rationally that neither of them should have had to witness what they both just did, but he instinctively understood how much more traumatizing this was for a 5 year old.

His mind whirled with could haves and should haves. Had he known what was going to happen that day he would have convinced his father to take the day off. He would have made sure that he wasn't at the store and he would have made damn sure his baby sister was far away from the violent scene.

The baby, as dad often called her, was hysterically crying and seemed unable to stop. The kind female police officer that was waiting with them until their mother arrived had explained to him that Amelia was undoubtedly overwhelmed, in shock, and traumatized. She had quietly told him that loud noises could be especially jarring for younger children, and that her ears were likely still ringing from the sound of the gun going off so close to them. He had cupped his hand over her exposed ear in response to this revelation, desperately trying to protect her from further torment.

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