A Little Less Conversation

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Chapter 16

Once the sisters were finally on the road, Lizzie practiced everything she wanted to say to her sister today. Hopefully it would come out okay and understandable. She knew her sister didn't exactly want to be with her and she understood. Lizzie hadn't been there and barely knew her teenage sister.

"Amy, do you know what to expect?" Lizzie asked gently, hoping to start a conversation.

"I mean I know Addie takes great care of you but...," Lizzie said faltering, failing to explain what she meant.

"Addie takes great care of me. I've been to appointments before and I really don't like it, but Addie won't let me get out of it. Every time I try to talk to Derek, he tells me to talk to Addie. He doesn't like getting involved in 'woman stuff', as he calls it," Amelia said, rolling her eyes, clearly still in a mood. Lizzie decided to drop the subject and move on to something else.

"Okay then. Tell me about Samson, I know he was a gift from Mark and I thought he was an idiot when he told me his plan," Lizzie tried.

"Derek called him that, too. Addie and Derek almost didn't let me keep him but eventually caved when Mark explained why he'd be good for me. I love him so much already and he really likes sleeping in my bed," Amelia explained, opening up to her sister about the dog.

Once they got to the hospital, Lizzie held her sister's hand, leading her to the maternity ward where Dr. Carlsmith, her boss and doctor to both sisters, waited. Lizzie herself was so excited about her own pregnancy and tried her best to contain her excitement knowing her sister was still struggling with her own. Being just ahead of her sister in her own pregnancy, Lizzie tried to explain what would be happening today, as briefed by Addison but it didn't quite work. The young teen was anxious.

After the appointment, Amelia laid her head on the car window, eyes staring out as if longing for something. Lizzie chose not to push knowing her sister probably needed the wind-down time. She was never good when people were all in her business, even as a young kid. She used to be but it changed. Lizzie hoped that by sticking around and being involved, as well as sharing a similar experience, the teen would eventually open up to Lizzie.

The moment Lizzie put the car in park, Amelia was out in a flash, fishing out her key so she could get to Samson, who was sitting in front of the window waiting. Once he saw his mistress, he sprang to his feet, his tail wagging excitedly and eyes brightening. Lizzie followed at a slower pace wondering who was more excited. The dog or her sister.

"Ready for the park, boy?" Amelia asked, her voice soft and loving. Samson barked in response, wagging his tail with evident enthusiasm. Amelia's smile lit up as she ruffled his fur, moving to the side to slip on his harness and collar. Lizzie watched in interest, how much her sister cared for her dog and how well he listened.

The walk to Central Park was a short one, but it was filled with the sound of Amelia's encouraging words and Samson's excited paws against the pavement.

"Good boy, Samson," Amelia praised, watching as the puppy trotted obediently by her side. He pulled a little but overall was good on the leash, he was after all still a puppy.

Lizzie, trailing a little behind, watched the scene unfold with a warm smile, her heart feeling so much warmth watching. She had her doubts, but now, seeing Amelia with Samson, Lizzie was certain that Amelia would make an excellent mother. Amelia seemed so in tune with Samson and had the patience with him that you wouldn't expect from a young teenager.

They reached the park, and Samson's excitement seemed to pick up once again. He was practically pulling Amelia along, eager to explore the open space. Amelia let the leash extend, watching as he darted around, his tail wagging like a flag in the wind. Lizzie joined her side, watching the scene with a small smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2023 ⏰

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