What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas

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Happy Friday! here's a surprising update!

Small error in previous chapters, the year had been listed as 1993, when it's actually 1995.

Chapter Nine

What Do the Lonely Do at Christmas

December 25th 1995 - Christmas Day

Before anyone could blink, Christmas was at their doorstep and following tradition they headed over to the Shepherd family home for Carolyn's annual brunch.

Amelia was overwhelmed with nerves and anxiety at the prospect of seeing her mom for the first time since she had been released from the hospital to go home with her brother and sister in law.

She remembered vividly the defeated and pained expression on her mother's face when it had been explained that social services thought it would be better if Amelia didn't live at home for a bit.

Amelia herself felt confused, scared, and ultimately guilty; she knew she had put herself into this position and would have to deal with it, but it was the collateral damage to her family that devastated her most. Getting a break from her mom was what she had wanted, until she actually got it.

She wasn't really sure what she had been expecting upon arriving at her childhood home, but she certainly wasn't expecting her mother to barrel past Addison and Derek and immediately wrap her arms around her, holding her close and squeezing her tight.

"Oh, my baby, I've missed you. You look better than the last time I saw you; healthier, and happier too, I hope?" Her mother observed, pulling back to cradle Amelia's face in her hands and stare at her lovingly.

Amelia sniffled and diverted her eyes to the floor, feeling a lump form in her throat as she came to terms with the true depth of her mother's love for her.

"I'm so sorry, mom. I know I've been a terrible daughter, and person, but I am doing better. I want to be better so I can come home again." She said quietly, still confused and upset about the whole arrangement.

To make matters worse, she couldn't seem to get a grip on her emotions lately. Jo had been calling her a 'hot mess' all week. It was a joke of course, but truthfully it felt like an accurate description of her mood as of late.

"Hush now. It's Christmas and you are here with me now. No more tears today little one, okay?" Her mother soothed, gently tilting her chin up to meet her eyes.

Her thoughts were still running wild as she wiped away her tears, hoping nobody else - particularly her sisters - had seen them.

She wasn't sure if she was even allowed to be there. Was she breaking a rule? Would her social worker find out and take her to foster care once and for all? On top of that, she knew not everyone wanted her there to begin with, and she had a feeling that would be made very clear the second Nancy and Kathleen showed up.

By the time 2 o'clock rolled around Amelia was emotionally exhausted and at her limit. She quietly slipped away from the crowded home, hoping the babies would attempt to follow her. She didn't want to make a scene and knew that if she was spotted leaving she'd get an earful.

Grabbing her coat she slipped out the backdoor, making her way towards the familiar comfort of the family treehouse. She knew she was far too old for it but it felt like the only place she could escape to without running away. She had promised she wouldn't do that anymore, and she was working hard to keep her promises these days.

She climbed up the ladder with practiced ease, sitting cross legged on the worn floorboards and wrapping her coat around herself tightly. The tears fell without warning, and for the first time that day she allowed them to.

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