A Change is Gonna Come

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A/N :Finally I know! the long awaited chapter! 

We're just so busy lately and things take time, and we're so invested in doing this topic justice, It takes time to do it right, and we have to convince ourselves it's done or we'll never stop editing. We have up to chapter 20 written, but unedited, just so you know we aren't just making it up as we go along. I spend so many hours re reading and re writing and doing research to make sure that the topics are mostly factual. It is fiction so I do allow a little leeway while still remaining within the lines of the truth and law.  Not sure when the next chapter will be up but please know it will come! 

Chapter 12

A Change is Gonna Come

As predicted, Addison had to drag the grumpy teenager out of bed the next morning. Lucky for Jo and Megan, they were allowed to stay and sleep in since Derek would be home in the study. Considering this was only a quick follow up appointment, Amelia would be back to her friends in no time. In all honesty, they'd probably sleep through her entire absence.

Outside of a sleepy whine and her permanent grumpy pout, the girl hadn't argued much before slowly heading to the shower; much to Addison's relief.

Relief was short lived however, as Addison quickly learned that getting the teen out of the house and into the car would be the real challenge of the day.

Despite leaving later than planned, Addison wasn't angry. It hadn't been Amelia's fault that her stomach had been upset again that morning. The teen had thrown up almost immediately after finishing her shower, and she had cried in her sister's arms, half because of nerves and uncertainty about the appointment and half because she didn't feel any better after being sick.

Ultimately, they somehow made it to the car and silently made their way to the hospital. Amelia was curled up in a blanket Addison had wrapped her in and appeared to be asleep, her ghostly pale face resting against the passenger window.

Maybe it was time to talk to a nutritionist, Addison thought as she watched the girl sit on the exam table waiting for the doctor to show up with their test results.

Amelia's body started shaking with nerves as soon as Dr. Carlsmith entered the exam room.

"Amelia, Addison, nice to see you two again. Amelia, I have your test results here, but before we start I want to remind you that you are my patient and whatever we discuss here is privileged and confidential. It is absolutely understandable if you'd prefer to speak privately, and the same is true for your sister-in-law." Dr. Carlsmith paused, noting again how frail and sick the teenager looked. Although she now had the answers and could confirm the girl wasn't facing anything life threatening, she also knew any relief would be short lived once she shared her findings.

The doctor waited patiently while her patients considered her words. The statement had been directed more so at the teen, but she had worded it to include both of them so Amelia wouldn't feel singled out.

"I want Addison to stay please." The teen decided, responding in a quiet voice as she stared intently at the tiled floor in front of her. She had understood that the statement the doctor made had been for her benefit and not Addison's.

"What's happening? Am I dying? Do I have some disease?" Amelia rambled quickly, her voice cracking with emotion. The older woman smiled gently, wishing she didn't have to break news like this to her young patient.

"And you're sure you want Addison to stay?" The young girl nodded, gripping her Addison's hand tightly, unwilling to let her go.

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