The Gift

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Mid-April 1994

Amelia 20 weeks pregnant (5 months)

Amelia scrunched her face, swatting at whatever was attacking her face. Derek had said she didn't have to get up early today, so she had every intention of sleeping in.

"Wake up kid, I got you something." Mark said quietly, giving Amelia a nudge.

"Wakey, Wakey, Amy. Don't you want to see your surprise? I promise it's worth it..." he tried again in a singsong voice.

"Go more surprises." The hormonal teen whined in response, shoving his hand away.

Mark rolled his eyes and shifted to the direct approach of placing said surprise right beside her and letting nature take its course.

Minutes later Amelia got up, covering her face to avoid the weird wetness that woke her. She felt it again on her hand. Now more awake, she's certain that someone licked her! She opened her eyes and gasped in shock, totally unprepared for what she saw.

"Wait, is this happening? For real...? Like, he's for me??" She blurted out in one breath, fidgeting with barely contained excitement. Mark nodded in confirmation, smiling as she gasped and reached out to snuggle it close.

"He's a German Shepherd. A boy." Mark added.

"Are you sure it's okay? Does Addie know? I don't think she's a dog person..." Amelia worried.

"Don't worry about that. He's yours. I know I haven't been around as much, and I'm sorry about that. I've just been so busy studying for finals and stressing about what program they're gonna place me in. Not knowing where you're gonna spend the next few years of your life is a pain in the ass. I don't know where I'll be next year. If I'll be away from my kid." Mark commented.

"We're all hoping to stay here in New York, but I don't know what'll happen if any of us get sent somewhere else. I have Lizzie and the baby to worry about, so I'm sorry if you ever feel like I'm pulling away. I'm not great at multitasking under pressure, but I promise I'm always just a phone call away." Mark explained, hoping she understood.

The young girl sniffled, hugging the puppy.

"So, he's a bribe?" She asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, I guess so. But I thought you could use the company. You're alone all the time and your friends can't be here 24/7. Bribe, gift, a reminder to not hate me... same thing." He grinned, shrugging.

Amelia rolled her eyes, but leaned into his chest for a hug.

"They're loyal, smart, and watchful. Plus, he'll be a good companion for you and the baby. Something else to focus on for the next few months." He added, kissing her temple as they hugged.

"I'm sorry, you bought her a dog?!" Addison yelled.

"An eight hundred dollar dog?! Without asking?! God, Mark, what were you thinking?" She yelled, unaware of the teen sitting on the steps gripping the puppy tight in her arms, hoping she wouldn't have to give up her new friend.

"What was I thinking?" Mark asked in response, not looking for an actual answer.

"I thought she needed a friend. Based on everything I've heard, her friends won't be around forever. One of them could get shipped off without any notice, the other is graduating high school in a month and a half. What's gonna happen in the fall? What's gonna happen if you guys get sent to Seattle or something in July for residency? Amy's not cleared to go back to Mom's, so she'd have to move with you. If that's even allowed. There's no way she'd go with Lizzie. That'd undo the last five months of progress you made with her." He watched her face as she realized the impact of his words.

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