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 Chapter Fourteen


Mid March 1994

Amelia 17 weeks pregnant (4 months)

Amelia decided to keep the news to herself for a while. Honestly, she was scared of losing her friends that she just barely had. The teen pushed them away a little, which didn't help. She figured they'd leave her once they discovered she was pregnant, anyway. Adding to all of that, she didn't really have much free time these days, which was her excuse. Addison didn't waste any time putting her in sex education classes and finding a support group for teen moms. Amelia hated all of it, but she knew she couldn't get out of it. So she never tried.

Sighing, she gets off the bed, pulls up her shirt, and looks in the mirror. She wonders if she has a bump yet. She stares at herself, zoning out.

"Amy! Little Amy!" Jo and Megan both simultaneously call her, letting themselves in her bedroom like usual. She jumps quickly, pulling down her shirt and blushing.

"Do you guys ever knock?" Amelia asks, annoyed.

"Nope." Megan replies, popping the "p" sound, followed by blowing a bubble with her gum.

"Whatcha hidin' little Amy? You've been hiding. Don't even try lying." Megan asked.

"I don't lie. But I'm scared to tell you guys." She bites her lip, refusing to meet her friend's eyes.

"Did Derek threaten to like, disown you or something?" Jo asks, knowing how strained their relationship could be at times.

"I-I don't know, I don't think so....I hope not." Amelia responds, fear and doubt creeping up in her voice.

"I'm sorry." Jo apologizes, hearing the tone in her friend's voice.

"I didn't mean it like that. It was a joke. I swear Amy. It was a joke. Please believe me." She begged, hoping her friend would forgive her.

"So, what's the big secret?" Megan steps in between the younger girls, hoping to cool the tension.

Amy looks up, wondering if she should tell her friends. If she wanted to keep them, she'd have to, but they might leave her, anyway. So basically, she was screwed either way, she thought.

She swallows hard, closing her eyes. Taking a deep breath, she opens her mouth, letting the words spill out.

"I'm pregnant." She stands there, eyes still squeezed shut while waiting for them to leave. She knew it was only a matter of time.

Megan was the first one to speak after a few minutes.

"Wow. Didn't know you had it in you, Little Amy." Megan comments. Amelia cracks her eyes open, confused at Megan's statement.

"What?" Amelia asks.

"I didn't peg you as the girl who got knocked up before marriage is all." Megan shrugs like it was nothing.

"You're just so pure." Megan adds. Amy snorts at that comment. Megan had literally no idea.

"I'm not, but thanks. Why aren't you guys running? You should." Amelia asks. Megan just gives her a look.

"Hello! I don't care. This kid is gonna be a badass because Auntie Megan said so." Megan quips, smarting off.

"Besides..." Jo starts, lying down on the bed.

"I think you'll be a great mom. Way better than mine. You won't ever abandon your kid, I know you." Jo adds.

Amelia sniffs, her big blue eyes welling up with tears.

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