Session VI: New Company

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It seems this baby Gohma was going to follow us regardless and Lilura was all too happy to take it with. I know it's not a good idea. It will eventually grow in to the huge Gohma we just killed. Just as powerful and large. I can only imagine it will be just as killing. Not only that but anyone who sees it is going to be scared as it is literally a monster.

However, seeing Lilura smile at it and try so hard to befriend it... I can't bring myself to finish it off. She would be heartbroken. As much as I don't think its a good idea, I don't know if letting it go back into the wild is any better of an idea. Prince Zerah seems to share my mixed feelings and has already seemed to resign and grant her permission to keep it. Hopefully this won't come back and cause us problems.

It takes a bit but we so reach the edge of Muliwai Nanolli once again. It's kind of strange how quickly I'm becoming familiar with this side of town. However, we do have one major problem we have to figure out now. We can't just walk through town with the Gohma nor can we get on the ferry with it.

"We need to figure out a way to hide it if you are still going to keep it." I stop and speak up, turning around to face my companions. Zerah nods in agreement. Lilura stops and attempts to pick it back up. Surprisingly it lets her. Maybe it can be trained. For her case, I hope so. I really don't want to see her get upset over losing it or it hurting someone else.

But simply carrying it wont be enough. It will draw a lot of attention and then the rumors will spread. Not sure if that's really a good thing when we are trying to stay low profile like Queen Zelda instructed. We also don't need to give others more to talk about Prince Zerah. He already has enough on his plate.

I try to think about what we can do when an idea hits me. We still have the cloaks from trying to blend in last time. "What if we try covering it with one of our cloaks? It won't hide that you have anything, but at least no one will know what it is?" I suggested.

Zerah spoke up next, "It's at least worth a shot."

Lilura nods and takes her cloak to cover the Gohma baby. Once we are as ready as we are gonna be, the trip into town begins. I try to act like everything is normal. The less attention we have on us, the easier we can pull this off. I just try to focus on getting to the ferry like we have several times now.

It seems it's working. No one is staring or giving us questioning looks. There are a few glances but the don't last long. Seems everyone is more focused on getting ready to call it a day. Something I'm completely grateful for.

Soon enough we are back on the familiar steps to the ferry. I give a cheerful smile and wave for his attention. "Ah, back already? Seem to enjoy coming through here." He comments.

"Just a lot of errands is all." I answer. It's not a lie, nor do I really mind. This past week has been far more adventurous and exciting then the guard duty I'm so use to doing.

"Ah, right. Well you know the drill by now. 5 blue rupees a person."

"Of course! Here you are." I dig into my rupee pouch and pull out  1 yellow and 1 blue to give to him. Which he easily accepts and stashes away.

"So that's an interesting thing you got there. It some kind of animal or something?" The ferryman's eyes are on the cloak in Lilura's arms. It makes sense he noticed as we actually talked to him. The Gohma is moving a little in her arms so its clearly not a storage chest or anything.

I hate to lie to anyone but I know how important it is that he doesn't know what it actually is. "Yeah, we found a hurt animal so just bringing it back to get it taken care of is all." I can feel a small pit form in my stomach but I try to remember it's for the best.

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