Session VIII: Ending Blow

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I must be more willing to get up early with the promise of real adventure over just dreaming it as I wake up earlier than I generally have before all this started. Midna is also awake. I give her some attention and pet her soft fur. She's so soft.

It's a good time for breakfast so I head to the kitchen with her to see what the chefs have made this morning. It smells really good as I enter. There are eggs, bacon, muffins, sausage, and what looks like a reheated stew from the night before. It all looks really good but I decide on a muffin, 3 eggs and 2 pieces of sausage.

One of the eggs and half a sausage, I give to Midna. She seems to really enjoy it as she scarfs it down. I take my time eating and just enjoy the flavors. They really are pretty good today or maybe I'm just in a really good mood. I feel more relaxed as I finished.

With breakfast done and no real plans, I decide to go out to the training field for a light work out. Training is always a stress reliever for me and with everything that has gone on over the last week or so, I feel like I could use it.

I build up a nice sweat, feeling my muscles stretch and strengthen with the harsher use. My stress has eased up with being able to just let loose some mindless blows on a dummy. No worries or cares. Just striking something as hard as I can. It feels good.

However, I feel like I should call it quits. I don't want to wear myself out too much. I head back inside the castle to find Lilura wandering the halls.

Lorcan at her heels.

"Lilura... what are you doing with him outside your room?" I ask, confused as to why she has him out again. He's going to cause an issue if someone sees a monster in the castle. I don't want to see the look on her face if someone manages to kill him out of... well.. believed self defense. Or him hurting someone out of self defense.

"He's fine. He doesn't leave me." She answers simply.

"I mean... what if someone sees him?"

"Someone did. A guard. In town. I told him Lorcan wasn't trying to eat anyone and he left us alone."

I blink. Well, I guess if it's already happened... But still. I'm a little worried. Everyone is going to be getting more on edge as the festival comes around.

"Just be careful. With the festival coming, everyone will be more worried about monster attacks." I warn her. She stares at me, making me wonder if I somehow said something wrong.

But before I can ask...

"What is the festival?"

I blink again. "You haven't been to the festival of Hylia's Blessing before?"


Well that's new. Granted she isn't from Hyrule Castle Town, but Muliwai Nani isn't that far away. There are others that travel the continent to come to the festival. It's surprising she lives fairly close and not heard about it.

"Um, well. You've seen the pink trees around town, haven't you?"

She nods.

"Well they are called Hylia Rose Blossom trees. They are a rare breed said to have been created and planted by the very first Zelda. Most Zelda's haven't been able to make any since. Monsters don't like them so they tend to leave the town alone." I explain. "They start to lose their power every year around this time so the Queen holds a festival where she replenishes all the trees with power again for the coming year. It's a really big party."

I smile to her. "The week before the festival is when the trees are weakest so monsters start to come closer. It makes everyone nervous. However, the week after is the safest so everyone celebrates."

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