Prelude II: The Rise and Fall of Heroes

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Author's Note: This is the story Queen Zelda tells the party. I actually didn't write this as it was written by our DM. I figured it was better than me trying to paraphrase it and is why it's much shorter than the other chapters. So think of it as more of a bonus chapter. The next chapter will be session VII.

In a time before the Kingdom of Hyrule, before there were bustling cities, when the world and humanity was young there were 3 heroes: Imperias, Animos, and Sapientiae. The three of them grew up together, and were the closest of friends.

Imperias was always ready to protect his friends, from spiders, to bullies, to even monsters. He was always there to pick his friends up when they fell and to carry them when they couldn't stand themselves.

Sapientiae was a smart girl, not smart in the way most may see or think of, not with books, or math, but she knew how the world worked. She would always come up with solutions to the groups problems, no matter how small or how big they were.

Animos was the leader of their little group. He always answered the call of adventure and never had any fear to what laid ahead. His friends could always look to him if they were feeling lost or scared, as he was a beacon of hope in even the darkest of situations.

The group of them were well known within their village growing up, and by the time they were adults they started to travel. No matter what town they went to, they always tried to help, from lost cats, stolen goods, lost children, or even armies of Bokoblins. The group always found a way to fix the issues ahead of them. Always trying to better the lives of others. After many years of doing this, Sapientiae started to wonder.

"Animos, Imperias, do you think we will ever be able to help everyone?" She questioned them.

Imperias answered first with a question of his own. "What do you mean? We help everyone we come across, and we haven't failed yet."

"Right. The three of us can't be stopped. Not by ruffians, not by monsters, heck even forces of nature are nothing compare to our combined might! With Imperias' fighting prowess and your wi-" Animos tried to agree but was cut off.

"That's not what I meant, Animos." Sapientiae corrected him sternly. She took a moment to gather her words in a different approach to her question. "What I meant was, do you think we can help everyone... all at once?"

Confused by her words Animos answered with his own thoughts on the question,  "I don't think we can be every where at once?"

Imperias nodded in agreement before voicing his own. "Right. I mean, we will definitely fight and stop all wrong doings we come across, no matter how big or small!"

Sapientiae solemnly continued her thoughts as to what she was truly trying to get at. ".....But we won't be around forever..."

There was silence around the group. Everyone knew she was right. And while they did want to help everyone they could, they weren't gods. They were mortal. They all knew this and perhaps they have all had this thought before. But Sapientiae was bringing it to light, to the forefront of their minds. The dark truth none of them wanted to acknowledge.

"Well, what do you suppose we do then?" Imperias questioned as he watched her much more carefully.

"I'm not sure... I don't think we-" She is cut off by Animos interrupting.

"Don't even, Sapientiae! Imperias and I both know you. We have known you since we were kids! You always come up with a plan to fix any problem. No matter how big...." He gives a big, cheeky grin at his own words. "Heh, in fact the only problem I can think of now is what we are going to do after we fix the entire world's problems."

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