Session X: 72 Hours Remain

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Being back home is kind of nice after being gone for so long, sleeping in my bed again for sure. Not having to walk or ride pretty much all day is a nice break as well. Though, I do like seeing the world and I don't think that will really change. I won't forget what it's like to be home either and take it for granted.

I get up and stretch my arms over my head. Maybe some training will help ease my growing sense of stress on the coming festival. It always helped me in the past.

Midna lets out a yawn and stretches with her butt in the air and her head low to the ground. It's pretty cute. The smile I feel stretches across my lips easily at the sight. She shakes herself out. Her black and white fur shifting around before settling again. I hold out a hand and run it down the length of her back. Her fur is still as soft as ever between my fingers.

"Come on, Midna." I smile to her and start to get dressed. My hair is pulled up so its mostly out of my face. The Master Sword resting comfortably against my back.

I head down and grab an apple and some fresh bread for breakfast, as well as some eggs for Midna to eat. It's a simple enough breakfast but it works for me.

The training grounds of the castle is pretty empty. Makes sense. Everyone is on edge and ready for any kind of attack. The power of the trees around town are getting weaker and weaker. Dad always gets really stressed this time of the year. I hardly see him as he's just too busy being ready in the event of an attack. All men are likely on standby or resting. I would normally be as well.

I push the thoughts from my mind as I take up the Master Sword and strike against the wooden dummy before me. The corner of my eyes show Midna playing with a butterfly nearby. Cute.

The feel of the blade cutting through air is so much different than flesh. It's so much easier. Understandably so, of course. Still the work out from it all is enough bring out a sweat. I give a deep exhale as I wipe at my forehead with the back of my sleeve. I do feel a lot better.

The metal of the blade makes a soft sound as it slides back into its sheath. That is enough for today. Midna is pouncing after a grasshopper waiting for me to be finish anyway. I take her back to my room and work on teaching her to stand up on her hind legs again. She's really starting to get it and is starting to do it more and more.

I reward her work with some dried meat and stroke my hand down her back a few times to show how proud I was she managed to learn it. She scarfs down the meat easily. Now what. I think a moment and decide to check on the Prince.

He's seated in the library as per usual. He's working hard on his speech. I admire that. We talk a little bit before I decide I should let him get back to his work. I don't want to be the reason he isn't prepared. Lilura isn't in her room so she must be off with Lorcan or something. I'm not too worried. 

Instead, I go back to my room and decide to work more on mastering the thieves tools I got. It's getting easier and easier to work with them. Hopefully I won't ever have to use them to break into a lock but if it comes up, I'll be glad that I took the time to learn. You never know and we are going to be traveling a lot farther away. It's best to be prepared as much as we can be.

Midna starts getting in the way as she jumps in my lap and starts to try and play with the tools in my hands. I guess she's trying to tell me it's time to be done. I giggle at her.

"Okay, okay. Let's go play then." I promise her and store the tools away in my bag. There isn't a reason to take it with me so I choose to leave it in my room. Only taking the Master Sword and my shield, both being on my back, just in case.

I take her to the pond and get settled down into the grass. Finding a leaf nearby, I gently pluck it and start wiggling it around for her. She tries pouncing at it but seems not as into it as she was before.

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